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Tag: breast feeding
Crianza y Embarazo
15 Celebs who have breastfed & are proud of it
Crianza y Embarazo
Motivos por los que es bueno amamantar + 15 celebridades que lo han hecho
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10 Cosas acerca de la lactancia que (casi) nadie te dice
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10 Things about breastfeeding (almost) no one will tell you
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Breast cancer survivor criticized for not breastfeeding
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Model says breastfeeding is “vile” and “incestuous”
Tu Salud
Breastmilk butter is the hottest trend for new moms
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Teen Mom Jenelle Evans smokes WHILE breastfeeding
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SEE: Olivia Wilde breastfeeds her baby in Glamour photo shoot
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11 Celebrities who LOVE to breastfeed
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You’ll never believe why this mother’s graduation picture angered Facebook users
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SEE: Dads breastfeed babies to support nursing moms