Graduating from school is a huge accomplishment when you've worked hard to complete your studies. This especially applies if you are a mother who's raised a child while finishing college, or even work. One mom, 25-year-old Karlesha Thurman recently graduated from California State University Long Beach.
During her graduation ceremony she took pictures, but one in particular stirred up controversy on Facebook. Wait until you see why!
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Thurman caused a frenzy after she posted a picture of herself breastfeeding her daughter while attending her graduation. She shared the picture with a Facebook page titled "Black Women do Breastfeed" and some people responded with complete outrage and inappropriate comments. One person even went as far as calling her a hoe and made hurtful comments.
However there was the other half who was supportive of Thurman and were inspired by the picture. Thurman explained on her Facebook page that the reason she posted the controversial picture is because her daughter motivated her throughout college and she was proud to finish for her.
In the status she wrote: "I found out I was pregnant my last year of college, had my daughter one week into my last semester, she was my motivation to keep going, so me receiving my BA was OUR moment, so glad I captured the moment and so glad you shared it with the world so thank you again."
I hate it when people bully others on social media. It comes off as cowardly because I'm sure the majority of these idiots wouldn't dare make those comments to this young woman in person. If you truly feel this way, keep your comments to yourself. She worked her butt off to finish school so her daughter could have a better life that she doesn't need any of that negativity in her life. I wish her the best of luck with her career and I have no doubt she is going to do well for herself.
Image via Kiaraxblanco/Twitter