SEE: Dads breastfeed babies to support nursing moms

When professional photographer Hector Cruz's wife had trouble breastfeeding their daughter and needed to hire a lactation consultant in 2013, Cruz felt "helpless and confused." So he decided to do some research and take action. Enter Project Breastfeeding, a new photo campaign that features fathers pretending to breastfeed their infants. Now that's a role reversal you don't see every day!

The photos, seen here, portray various dads holding their babies close, under the slogan "If I could, I would." Their goal? To publicly show support for their breastfeeding wives and other nursing mothers.

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According to Cruz, he originally intended to turn the photographs into billboards. But after receiving tons of input from dads all over the country, he plans on starting a non-profit to educate fathers about breastfeeding.

OK, I love that Cruz and the rest of these dads are trying to support women who choose to breastfeed and that they're trying to get more information. After all, nothing bad can come out of a little education, right?

The only bone I have to pick is the slogan. "If I could, I would" kind of makes it sound like breastfeeding is the only acceptable option, when that's just not the case. I'm fully for supporting those who do choose to nurse–but that doesn't mean discounting or bashing those who don't choose to. Plus, it's also important to note that some women also have difficulty breastfeeding, so it's just not guys who "would if they could."

Still, overall, it seems like these guys genuinely just want to show support for their wives and other women. And I'm always on board with that!  

Images via Hector Cruz Photography