When you have a new baby, the first few weeks everything in your life comes second to meeting that baby's needs. That's fine. Really, that's how it should be–at least until you establish a new rhythm for your family. But those weeks are also a time when we as moms tend to dip a little low in the self-esteem department. Boobs and bellies just look strange, clothes don't fit, some days we can't even manage to brush our teeth, and eventually it all takes a toll. At some point–ideally sooner rather than later–you'll have to start taking care of yourself again.
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If you don't, it'll take you even longer to start feeling like a normal person again, and eventually your whole family will suffer. So here are some super-simple beauty and fashion tips to get you back up and feeling good physically and emotionally.
Shower Daily

Starting with the most basic of things: daily showers can make you feel like a million bucks. Between the lack of sleep and hormone overload, most women are a sweaty, stinky mess for weeks after delivery, and though it's not fun to imagine that as a new mom you could end up going days without a shower, it's reality. You have to be intentional about it, because you'll be so caught up in feedings and diapers changes, that you could easily overlook it. Have someone keep an eye on the baby while you hop in for a few minutes, or if you have to drag the bouncy seat into the bathroom with you. Same goes for brushing your teeth.

A full face of make up, may not be possible in the beginning. And let's face it, it's not exactly practical or even necessary, especially if you're not getting out of the house much. But, you'll probably be having visitors and a couple of coats of mascara on a clean face well help you look more energized and awake than you actually are. Plus, it's a good start. This week, mascara, next week bronzer. Woohoo!
Keep Your Hair Neat

Figuring out a new (much quicker) hair routine is a necessity once baby arrives, especially if you have a lot of hair, curly hair, or both. Buns, braids and ponies may be your go-tos for awhile, and that's perfectly fine, ideal even, just make sure you squeeze in some time to wash and detangle regularly, and if you haven't had a trim in awhile, sneak out for an hour to get one. Regular upkeep will make your hair much more manageable on a daily basis.

I'll admit, my son is three, and I'm still not great at this, but it does make a difference. Moisturizing your skin regularly will dramatically improve the look and feel of your skin, during a time when hormones may be wreaking havoc on it. Plus, it just seems like a normal thing to do, during what can be a chaotic season, which can be comforting.
Paint Your Nails

It might seem completely pointless, but one of the first things I did for myself after my son was born, was buy a really pretty new shade of polish and paint my nails. It instantly made me feel a bit more like the old me, and gave me something pretty to look at. Just be sure to do it when you know the baby will be asleep for awhile or you'll have someone around to help you out for at least an hour.
Drink Water

You probably started drinking more water than usual when you became pregnant. Keep it up! Staying hydrated will help improve the appearance of everything from your skin to hair, and even stretch marks. It's even possible that it will help you lose the baby weight faster. Aim for eight to ten cups a day. I like to drink from a measurable cup or bottle, so I can keep track easily.
New Hair Products

A lot of women experience intense and unexpected new growth around their hairline after childbirth. It's like baby hairs on steroids, and they have the tendency to stick straight up in the most annoying way possible. Go get yourself some new semi-heavy product and maybe a few new headbands to keep them down. Because being really honest here, it's just not that cute.
Stronger Deodorant

This is probably one of those gross things that no one ever tells you about your post-partum body, but the excess hormone production is likely going to leave you smelling pretty ripe. Especially, if you're breastfeeding. Your old stand-by deodorant may no longer be able to cut it. I definitely had to go out and buy a newer, stronger variety that I had to continue using until my son weaned. And I'm typically not a sweaty, stinky person at all.
Buy New Bras

Breasts go through a lot of changes while you're pregnant and nursing, and trying to make old, ill-fitting bras work will just stress you out and leave you sad and uncomfortable. Go to a nice department store or lingerie boutique and get professionally fitted. Buy at least two bras in your new size. And remember, your breasts will probably continue to change for awhile, so you may need to do this a few times before everything settles down. Trust me, it's worth it.
Pick Your Mom Style

I'm not telling you to relegate yourself to mom jeans and yoga pants. That would be totally depressing. What I am suggesting is that you do a little Googling for looks that are both stylish and practical for moms. For instance, dry clean only tops and short shorts, are probably not going to work for you for awhile. I got ideas from pictures of celebrity moms, and went from there, which helped me decide what was in my closet that could go into my daily outfit rotation, and what I might want to invest in new. It really helped me look put together, even when I wasn't feeling that way.
Go Shopping

Now that you've worked out what style direction you want to go in, pack up the stroller and the car seat and hit the mall. Going into your closet only to find clothes that you can't fit or the baby will just destroy is a real mood crusher, and that's something you just don't need. Treat yourself to a mini post-partum shopping spree. Don't buy clothes in your old size or the size you think you'll be in a few months, just buy items that fit right now and that will be practical for your lifestyle today. It will make your mornings a whole lot more pleasant.
Give Yourself Grace

Mama, go easy on yourself. You just brought life into this world and throughout the process your body went through tremendous, almost unthinkable changes. Love it, let it heal and accept it for what it is: a totally amazing work of art that has achieved the most incredible feat. Stay in your jammies as long as you need to, and when you start to feel like it's time to come out of hiding, remember these tips.