Baby shower games get a bad rap, which is a shame because they can truly be so much fun and a great way for guests to laugh, bond, and get to know one another. The trick is to keep the baby shower games simple and on the quick-ish side. This makes things both easier on the host and the guests. Complicated games with too many steps can quickly get tedious and boring. If you're short on ideas for games, no worries, you’ve come to the right place.
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We put together a list of baby shower games that are easy to organize, easy to play, and fun for everyone. Keep in mind that although we’ve provided a bunch of ideas for baby shower games, you really only need to pick about three from the list. Spread the games out throughout the event to keep people engaged and interacting. You can also give out prizes if you like. OK, now on your marks, get set, and go check out our 15 baby shower game ideas!
My water broke!

This is a fun and very easy game that can get rowdy depending on how play it. In the non-rowdy form, you simply take an ice cube tray and place a baby toy in each cube. Fill with water, freeze and place one cube in each guest's cup. Whoever's ice cube melts the fastest wins a prize! In the rowdy version, guests don't have to wait for the ice to melt, they can find a way to get the baby out of the ice that's a bit rowdier.
Drink from the baby bottle!

This one has become sort of a baby shower game classic. Basically, you fill baby bottles with the booze of your choice for those who aren't pregnant, of course. Whoever finishes their baby bottle first is the winner. You could also do a non-alcoholic version.
Make a baby photo timeline.

Scan a variety of baby photos belonging to you and your partner. Then create a timeline of your growth. Place the photos in separate frames. At the party, people have to guess your ages in each photo. The one with the most correct guesses, wins!
Play the 'baby' music game.

Create a mix of song snippets that include the word "baby." The easiest way to do this is on your phone and then connect it to a speaker at the party. Guests have to guess the title and artist of each song. Whoever gets the most right wins a prize.
Guess the baby food.

This game can be a little gross, but it's definitely funny and memorable. All you need is a bunch of baby food jars without the labels. Guests then have to try to guess what food is inside. Maybe pick fruit flavors that won't make your guests want to gag, though.
Who knows the parents-to-be the best?

This trivia game idea is perfect for an intimate baby shower of close friends! Write out 10 questions about the parents-to-be, which can include, "How did the couple meet?" The person who gets the most answers right, wins!
Make your guests name the baby animal.

How well do people know the terms of baby animals? Write down a few animals and guests have to guess the technical name for their young offspring. Examples include: joey, ducking, fawn, and foal. This is a great conversation starter!
The dirty diaper game is a baby shower classic.

If you want laughs and candy at the baby shower, this is a good one to include! Traditionally it is played by melting chocolate bars in diapers. Then guests have to guess the kind of chocolate it is based on the smell. Another way, is to pass out the diapers and just include one with the chocolate inside. Whoever has the dirty diaper is the lucky one! If you don't want to waste perfectly good diapers, use cloth diapers that you can wash or reuse or just melt the chocolate on paper plates cut into the shape of a diaper that you can then recycle.
The diaper bag guessing game is very hands on.

Pass out a diaper bag filled with random items. Guests have to feel what's inside and guess the items. The goal is to guess the most correctly. The fun part is also having people flex their imaginations.
Hand blank advice cards to be filled out by guests.

Everyone loves giving advice! Hang blank cards on a clothesline for your guests and have them write their best bit of advice on them. Put the filled out cards back on the clothesline so everyone can read them if they want. And you never know, the advice on them might be super helpful down the line.
Set up a price guessing game.

Consider this the Price Is Right for babies. Bring several baby items and price tags with specific amounts. Guests have to guess which item belongs with each price. The one who gets the most matches is the guessing game diva!
Play baby shower bingo.

Who doesn't love bingo? You can find baby shower printables online or make your own, if you're good at that kind of thing. Pass these cards around during gift opening time and get your bingo on!
Have guests share their wishes for the baby.

This isn't really a game, it's more of a thoughtful activity. Find a printable online or create your own and have your guests fill in the blanks. Don't be surprised if you shed a tear or many when you read what everyone writes.
Do a word search.

There are word search generators online that you can use to create a very personalized baby shower word search if you don't want to use an already existing template. The winner is whoever finishes the fastest.
If you're into pop culture, consider the celebrity baby game.
This game involves printing pictures of celebrity babies and have guests match the baby to their celebrity parents. For example, this baby's parents are a woman whose "hips don't lie" and a papa whose is good with his feet.