The joys of motherhood are just a few weeks away for Adamari Lopez! Our lovely celeb video blogger and her husband, Toni Costa, can't wait to meet their little one, who will be named Alaïa. After all of the ups and downs she has been through, it's really beautiful to finally see Adamari start her own family and be so overwhelmingly happy. On her morning show, Un Nuevo Día, Lopez cried when talking about her bundle of joy and what plans she has for their future. Her words are truly beautiful and made me teary too.
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In front of millions of fans, Adamari described what her first moment meeting her baby will be like:
I think I am going to look at her, kiss her and stay with her for a long time just looking at her and telling her I love her and that I've wanted her for a long time. I'm going to tell her that I'm happy she's with me and in our home. She's going to bring me so much happiness and teach me so much.
Isn't that the sweetest?! Adamari is due March 24th, we learned exclusively, so luckily she won't have to wait much longer for that precious moment. That baby is going to be so loved! I'm sure she also wants her baby to meet her dad Luis, who had been sick in the hospital in early December.
While hugging a pillow and getting teary, she went on to talk about the values she wants her daughter to have and her prayers for a healthy baby:
I want her to learn the values I learned at home: to be a good person and kind to others. I want her to be an honest and honorable person.
I really can't wait for her to get here. I want her to come soon. I want everything to be good. I say it and pray for that every day. It's in God's hands. He brought me to her and I have her here with me. She'll be in my arms soon enough.
Adamari was destined to become a mother! She overcame cancer and a split from ex Luis Fonsi. Life has blessed her with new beginnings and I couldn't be happier for her.
She talks so lovingly about her unborn baby. I can't even imagine how excited she will be once her little one finally arrives. Many blessings to their family!
Image via Adamari Lopez/Instagram