4 Teen girls got pregnant by the same guy on PURPOSE!

It's true, I have heard of a lot of pendejadas in my life, but what I'm about to tell you may just take the pendejada cake. Four 15-year-old girls from Malta (it's in the Mediterranean Sea just in case you are wondering) dared each other to get pregnant by the same man and they did.

You see what I mean?! What the pendejadas is that all about?

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Monseigneur Anton Gouder said on a RTK radio broadcast  this Monday,

A few months back I had a shocking case. A 15-year-old girl went to a doctor and told her she was pregnant, which she was. She then told the GP that three more of her classmates would visit her the following week because they had made a bet to get pregnant by the same man.

Is it crazy of me to find this shocking? I know that teens do a lot of things because of peer pressure, but this seems beyond over the top. So these four girls now are presumably pregnant. You can't even say that these are accidental teen pregnancies because they aren't, they were planned–poorly planned, but planned.

Part of me is hoping that the story isn't true because as the mother of two daughters I don't want to believe that there is anywhere in the world where young girls would so cavalierly reproduce. Surely they all aren't in love with the man they chose to father their babies and I'm willing to bet they aren't all that in love with themselves either, which is what really makes me sad.

I wonder if these girls thought of daring the father of their collective children to act like a father to all of their children as well. Is this dude going to be there for all four of them and their kids? Probably not.

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