Lots of parents want their baby to have a name that stands out, but how unique can you go before it just gets downright weird? Well, the folks over at eBabyNames.com recently found out! The website conducted informal survey of 1,500 people, asking them to pick out the strangest baby name they've heard in the last 15 years from a list.
The results are now in and let's just say, the final winner is even crazier than you might expect! So which of the thousands of baby names is the weirdest of them all?
Read more ¿Qué más?: Parents let Internet pick their baby's name & get exactly what they deserve
Participants of the survey agreed that the strangest name they've ever heard in the last decade and a half is …. Zzyzx! Yup. I know what you're thinking … is that even a name? It looks like the mom or dad just fell asleep on their keyboard.
But apparently, it's a real thing. In fact, according to the site, at least five babies in the U.S. have been named Zzyzx. Wow, I feel really sorry for those kids. Imagine how many times they must have to explain that yes, that is their real name, and that the correct pronunciation is (reportedly) "Zay-Zix."
What I want to know is how did these parents even come up with that game. Did they actually pick it out of a book or did they just decide to reverse the last three letters of the alphabet? Whatever the case, I definitely agree that it's by far one of the strangest I've heard in my lifetime.
Still, there were plenty of other good contenders on the list. The voters' Top 10 list of weird baby names included Nimrod, Lucifer and Jealousy. Yeesh! Nimrod? Those parents must really not like their kid. I think I'd personally prefer Zzyzx!
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