What’s the real reason behind recurring miscarriages?

When I found out I was pregnant for the first time, one of the things that worried me the most was the possibility of bleeding. I had heard so many stories of other friends whose pregnancies had ended in miscarriages that I was afraid that would happen to me as well. Luckily, it didn't happen, but I've always wondered why it is that some women are more likely to suffer multiple miscarriages when others don't. 

Until recently, it was believed that miscarriages are a natural rejection by the mother because of immunological differences, but a new study is suggesting there might be another reason and it has to do mostly with a woman's fertility.

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In fact, according to the study–published last week in the journal PLoS ON–the more fertile the woman, the greater the risk she has of suffering recurrent miscarriages. The reason seems to be that some overly fertile women's uterus accept embryos that would normally be discarded by someone not so fertile.

Overall, more than 10 percent of pregnancies end in miscarriages in the United States. Between 1 and 2 percent of couples suffer more than three spontaneous abortions one after another. Although doctors are able to detect the causes of these miscarriages–usually genetic or uterine–in half of the cases, in others hte reason remains a mystery.

The results of this new study show the possibility of finding a treatment for women who suffer recurrent miscarriages and even find ways to prevent them.

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But the best part is that the results could help moms who suffer miscarriages to not feel guilty for something that is totally out of their control.

Have you ever had a miscarriage? Share your thoughts with us by leaving us a comment below. 

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