Fourth of July celebrations across the country this year are going to be quite different and much smaller than in past years as we all continue to stay close to home in an effort to keep ourselves and others healthy. If you think about it, that’s actually a patriotic act in and of itself, even if it doesn’t feel festive at all. But there are still lots of creative ways to celebrate the Fourth of July this year right from the comfort of your own home. No, really there are and if you’re drawing a blank that’s OK because we’re not. We’ve got all kinds of ideas that we can’t wait to share with you.
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The best part of these ideas is that they are all pretty easy to put together, even at the last minute and they don’t cost much. You can choose one of these ideas and go with it or combine a few to make a whole day out of it. They are all family-friendly ways to bond and commemorate Independence Day, the day in 1776 that the wording of the Declaration of Independence was approved, the day that symbolizes the independence of the United States from Great Britain.
Camp out in your backyard.

Camping has always been a fun summer activity, and kids love it. Why not camp out in your backyard this Fourth? The best part is that you can still run inside for indoor plumbing and cold drinks. Also, if anyone gets too cold or uncomfortable, you can always go sleep inside. You could even make a game of it. Whoever lasts the longest, wins some kind of prize or bragging rights.
Do an indoors camping experience.

Lots of us live in apartments or places that don’t have a backyard, but that doesn’t mean we can’t set up a camping experience. Just set up some kind of tent-like structure inside your home and camp out indoors. It’s fun, warm, and easy to do. It’s like a family slumber party.
Watch a movie outdoors.

Set up a projector and when the sun goes down, watch a movie outdoors. Snuggle up with blankets, make sure there are tons of snacks, stretch out, and enjoy. If you have a few movies to choose from, you could take a vote and pick the winner or find another creative way to decide which film to screen.
Set up a red white and blue popcorn bar and do a movie marathon.

If you don’t have the ability to screen movies outdoors, that’s really not a problem. You can always watch movies indoors. To make it feel extra, set up a red, white, and blue popcorn bar that everyone can feast on during the movie. The popcorn can be the white and you can use red and blue candies to mix into the popcorn to give it a patriotic feel.
Decorate with homemade decorations.

Get the kids to make decorations and let them go wild decorating. Don’t know what to use? Empty toilet paper rolls can be covered in tissue paper to make all kinds of creative decorations that can later be strung up indoors or outdoors.
Get creative with food.

Isn’t this adorable? It’s cute, healthy, and fun to eat. Basically, you use a star-shaped cookie cutter to create the watermelon stars and you place them on top of a wooden skewer that has blueberries on it. Making these is half the fun. If you have kids, let them be the ones to set them up.
Have a water balloon fight.

It tends to be hot in most places in July. If you are in one of those places, what better way to cool off than with a water balloon fight? You can break up into teams or just go after each other. Get the kids to change into bathing suits beforehand so that you don’t have to deal with sopping wet clothes.
Barbecue never goes out of style.

If you have a grill, it’s time to grill! Honestly, it doesn’t even matter what you grill. Everything tastes better when grilled. If you want to keep it easy, just grill hot dogs. You know the kids won’t mind. But, you could always opt for burgers or carne asada. It’s up to you.
Opt for a picnic-style meal.

If you love picnics, but don’t feel comfortable going to a park this year, then picnic at home. You can set up a picnic in your backyard or do one indoors. OK, maybe you don’t put a tree right smack in the middle of your living room, but you get the idea. Set up a picnic vibe and grub.
Make red, white, and blue treats.

When you think about it, the Fourth of July is the country’s birthday and what birthday is complete without a cake or cupcakes? Make your own or buy some that are decorated for the occasion. If you make your own, you can let the kids decorate them with red, white, and blue sprinkles or frosting.
Make it a family game night!

Bust out all the board games and play, play, play. Every family member can choose a game. You could also set up awards with trophies for the evening. Think “sorest loser” or “best team player” and so forth. It could become a family tradition and the trophies can get redistributed every time you guys play.
Get crafty as a family.

Set up a table with all sorts of items that can be used to make crafts. Don’t forget that your recycling bin is a great place to find jars and cans that can be upcycled to make pencil holders or vases. You could stick to a red, white, and blue color palette in honor of the holiday and see what everyone makes.
If you’ve got a pool, get in it and call it a pool party.

If you have a pool, then have a pool party. Yes, it can be a party with just your family members. Grab some toys, floaties, sunblock, and bathing suits. Spend the day outside splashing around and having fun. Plan ahead and have some snacks and sandwiches ready to go because everyone will work up an appetite.
Consider making Fourth of July cascarones.

OK, so we know that cascarones are usually a thing around Easter, but why not make some cascarones for Independence Day this year. They are a fun alternative to fireworks that are safe for kids. You can set up a station for the kids to make them and then later they can have all kinds of fun breaking them on each other.
If sparklers are an option, sparkle on.

Sparklers are pretty much magic on a stick. If they are available and allowed in your area, get some and wait until it’s dark to light them. Watch as the kids’ faces light up with joy. Make sure to take lots of pictures as sparklers can create some great photo effects. And above all else, be sure to be safe.