Nothing says "we're best friends forever" more than matching BFF tattoos. There are many ways to show the connection between two friends who love each other so much that they want to leave an indelible mark on their skin that will forever remind them of that special bond with each other. Some people choose to get the same exact tattoo, others get similar and related tattoos, yet slightly different, and some get complementary tattoos. Some even get them on a hidden spot of their body. The point is getting something that clearly makes the point that, no matter what happens, you will be friends forever.
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The decision is down to you and your BFF, and mind you, sometimes it is about creating a mark that defines more than two people. Want to always remember your high school cheerleading squad? What better way to remember the glory days than by sharing a tattoo only those in the crew can get? Talk about creating a lasting bond with your OG friends!
If you're thinking about getting BFF tattoos or you're just curious, click through this gallery for a bit of inspiration. The options are endless, but we've done our homework to bring you some of the coolest designs. Enjoy and share with your BFF, of course.
You are the peanut butter to my jelly.

Let's start with the perfect pairing. Few matching tattoos will be cooler and cuter than these pieces of toast that will forever get along with one another. There are few things that go together as well as peanut butter and jelly.
When you love to travel there's only one way to go about it.

If you also have that BFF you can always count on to travel and explore the world, then this tattoo is for you. Together you can roam the world together and when you're apart, you can dream of your next trip.
Simplicity sometimes sends the most powerful message.

These can basically pass as beauty marks, so if you are going for stealthy tats, these may be the ones for you. Plus, they are beautiful. There is never anything wrong with simplicity.
Tell your BFF they are the your moon and your stars.

This is an elegant design and goes so well on your bicep. It looks all sophisticated and ish. This design would look great on the back of your leg, too. It lends itself to any vertical space on your body.
Arrows are a beautiful and dynamic design.

Aside from how aesthetically beautiful they are, arrows can mean you and your BFF are true warriors. And that's a message worth sending. Individuals are powerful, and when powerful individuals come together, they are beyond powerful.
Sometimes a little nod to each other is all you need.

There's no better place to hide a matching tattoo than in an intricate design. The beauty of it is that both designs can be completely different, but with just a small element in them alluding to the fact that you and your BFF actually have matching tattoos, then that design becomes all that more special.
If you and your crew really love the sea, this is your design.

How's this for a simple emblem that you can share with those who truly mean the world to you, and who share your passion for all things related to the ocean? Or maybe you were on crew and want to share this with your crew members.
Floral designs are always intricate and personal.

Also, matching both tattoos on the side of your ankles makes them even more personal. This is a great choice to really show the lasting bond you share with your BFF.
Being young, wild, and free needs to be celebrated.

Share this wonderful design with your besties to always remember those carefree days in which you conquered the skies like a paper airplane. It's a small and simple piece of art. Also, use it as a reminder to always find your way back to each other.
Promises that are meant to be kept forever should be honored with ink.

Few things in this world are more serious than a pinky promise. If you are bold enough to make one, be bold enough to get it inked alongside your BFF. Notice how these tattoos have a white outline that really makes them pop.
Adding color to your tattoos is never a bad idea.

In this case, the tattoos are giraffes, but imagine you can switch them for any zoo animal and focus on the magical color scheme over the design. Now that is something worth getting matching tattoos of.
Hearts are always beautiful but if they look like a 3-year-old drew them, they are even more special.

Few tattoos will be more pure and honest than this one. Simple yet powerful. The way these are drawn make them look like a child drew them, and if you've been friends with someone since childhood, that adds a whole other layer of meaning.
Sometimes is not so much about the design but rather the body part you get tattooed.

Getting a tattoo with your BFF in the same area of your body, even more so if it's an intimate one, is as special as it gets for proving your friendship will last forever.
Roses, with thorns and all, are the perfect icon for a BFF relationship.

Because usually your relationship will be beautiful and wonderful, yet at some point, it will also hurt you deeply. If you manage to stay friends, thorns and all, then you know you have something extremely special.
If you guys are electric together, look no further.

Lightning bolts were a big thing in the '80s, but they seem to have been forgotten. But if you want to make a true statement about your age and share an electrical relationship with your bestie, these finger tattoos are amazing.
If you are into finger tattoos and making statements, this is the tattoo for you.

Do people even say YOLO these days? I don't think so, yet these matching tattoos send a clear message to the universe, and that makes them get to the top of our list of tats you should get with your BFF.
The simplest of designs can be the most beautiful.

What's not to like about these tiny flowers? They are dainty and delicate, but also have clean lines. Perhaps you could get line drawings of flowers that have a particular significance to commemorate your friendship.
A half moon can be so sexy.

Half moons, when matching and complementing with your BFF, can truly be a sexy design. Even more so if you get it on your rib cage. No one has to know that your BFF has a matching one either. It can be your secret.
Let your inner geek flag fly and go for complementary tattoos.

This design is specific to Rick and Morty fans, but just think of how creative you can get with this concept. Road Runner and the Will E. Coyote? Bart and Homer Simpson? The possibilities are endless. You decide.
The complexity of a lotus flower can be illustrated simply.

Lotus flowers are so intricate yet can be drawn in a minimalist way. That's part of what makes them stand out even more and can work almost like a logo for you and your BFF.
It's become a thing to count the years you've been friends with someone.

They are also great conversation starters. Why not commemorate the year that your friendship was established? It's a clever and cute way to acknowledge the beautiful relationship that you have created.
A pinky promise with a deep message is something to share with your BFF.

"Que será, será" is the message, as the song goes in English, "Whatever will be, will be." It seems like a good friendship motto. No one can tell the future, but if you're lucky, you'll still be friends.
You both love pizza and you want the world to know.

If so, then this is the tat for you. Also, notice the detail: each BFF still gets their favorite toppings! It just goes to show that you don't have to like the same exact things to be great friends.
Love is infinite.

These are beautiful and send out a very clear message of love, patience, and longevity. All three of which are crucial elements of any long-lasting friendship. Love is at the center of it all.
Spine tattoos are super sexy, so matching ones will make you both a topic of conversation.

The wonderful design of the arrow along your spine is bound to call people's attention. More so if you show that it matches your BFF's. But it does look like it would be a painful spot to get a tattoo on, doesn't it?
These complementary tattoos are all you have been looking for.

This design says so much in such a simple way. The message of friendship and camaraderie is quite powerful, perhaps because of how simple the actual design is.
Actual written messages that complement each other are another great option.

Tell the universe exactly what you want and what you expect. Also, notice the semicolon symbolism. "Project Semicolon is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and love for those who struggle with mental illness, suicide, addiction and self-injury."
If you love avocados so much that you cannot go a day without them, this is your tattoo.

Of course, your BFF will also be there, next to you, getting the other half of the avocado inked. How will you decide which one of you gets the pit? You could cut an avocado in half and have each one of you grab one side and pull it apart. Whoever gets the pit, gets the pit.
For those who do not give up and stand together no matter what.

You are both warriors, and your matching BFF tattoos prove it. Adding an individual detail is also a great way to make it special. Also, the semicolon has become a symbol of choosing to continue with life despite difficulties or mental health struggles.
These are tricky: They look the same but they are not.

Yet the message is important in this day and age. Anyone who has a friend who will be there for them no matter what and no matter where is blessed. We should all have people like that in our lives and we should treasure them.