Getting any type of tattoo is a commitment, right? It's a rhetorical question, but just in case: The answer is an unequivocal YES. Now that we've settled that, can we then all agree that getting couple tattoos is a commitment to being in a commitment? Again, the answer is an unequivocal yes. That means that you better be VERY sure that the person you are getting a couple tattoo with is the ONE or, not to be jaded, you could also get tattoos that will stand on their own in case you ever need to stand on your own.
More from MamásLatinas: Celebrities who made their love permanent with a tattoo
In the spirit of love with a good dose of realism—because we're living in reality and not the pages of a magical realism romance novel—we've rounded up some of our favorite couples tattoos from around the web for your viewing pleasure and perhaps inspiration. The individual tattoos look great on their own, but then when you see them coupled up, they're like AWWWWW, because love and affection are wonderful! Check 'em out.
Perfect for love birds.

These song birds are cute on their own, but when you put them side by side. it becomes obvious they are love birds. How adorable is it that one is singing and the other one is taking it in all lovey dovey? They are freakin' adorable.
A set for the queen and her king.

Again, another couple tattoo idea that works for the individual as well as the couple. A king is a king all on his own and a queen doesn't need a king to be a queen, but when the right king finds the right queen, they are a powerful force to be reckoned with.
You complete me.

Half a mandala for you and your media naranja. A mandala is a geometric figure that symbolizes the entire universe. For an individual it can symbolize the search for wholeness. For a couple to get half each is like saying that together they are whole.
A simple heart to heart.

For two people who love each other and want to keep it simple, the outline of the same small heart on each of their wrists is perfect. It says it all without taking up too much real estate on your body. This is a tattoo that someone might get even if they aren't in a relationship.
Peace and love are a winning combination.

No one else needs to know that you got these for each other, but you will always know. Also, how beautiful that peace and love are intertwined. It makes you wonder if you can have one without the other. Can you have peace without love? Can you have love without peace?
Check your mate.

Perfect for chess lovers who are also lovers. It's another take on the whole king and queen metaphor, but this time around it's done with chess pieces. It works! That king and queen are clearly a part of the same set and playing on the same side.
For the yin to your yang or the other way around.

Because opposites attract and somehow balance each other. The yin-yang concept comes from ancient Chinese philosophy and is represented by a circle consisting of a black swirl and a white swirl. The black swirl is the yin and the white swirl is the yang.
To profess your undying love, get symbolic.

A heart that doubles as a Möbius strip. Such a clever way of depicting eternal love. A Möbius strip is symbolic of unity, non-duality, and eternity. It is the product of two sides and two edges being joined in such a way that they become one.
The key to your heart.

It's up to the two of you to decide who gets the key and who gets the heart. As long as the key is designed to keep the heart unlocked. It's not every day that you come across someone who has the power to unlock your heart and make you want to leave it that way.
When like attracts like.

Ha! For a couple with a sense of humor. This clever use of words is funny. The choice of words says a lot about the couple and their relationship. There are so many different variations of this idea that can work. We love it.
Minnie and Mickey are couple goals.

Why not? Minnie and Mickey have been together for a VERY long time. Think about it, how many couples do you know who have been together as long as they have? Of course, you have to be a Disney lover to really want something like this.
His and hers sugar skulls.

Because even death won't do you part. Sugar skulls are a beautiful option for a couple who loves Día de los Muertos and all its associated symbolism. It embraces the concept of love even after death. Plus, they just look lovely.
Literally his and hers tattoos.

Another way of saying "I am yours and you are mine." Some couples register for sets of "his" and "hers" towels when then are getting married. Perhaps, it's possible to register for "his" and "hers" tattoos as well. The only problem is that you can't return the tattoos.
A couple of pines.

Because you pine for each other. Get it? How could you not? If pine trees aren't your thing, that's OK. There are so many things in nature that could inspire you. Think about places you have been, plants that you love, or even constellations that you look for in the sky.
This couple is perfectly aligned.

There's something sweet about lining up perfectly when you wrap your arms around each other. There's also something intimate about it. He has to have his back exposed for anyone to even know that this sort of alignment happens when they hold each other. Maybe she has the same line tattoo down her back and he has the same tattoos on his arms. Mind blown!
Show the world your love is always blooming.

A reminder to tend to your love so that it continues to blossom. A garden that doesn't get watered is not going to survive. But a garden that is watered, weeded, and cared for will continue to thrive season after season. Love is the same.
An idea for when your hearts beat as one.

Like the song that goes: "Two hearts. Two hearts that beat as one." You could get each other's actual heartbeat lines on each other if you want to be all accurate and stuff. Or you could just go for the symbolism of a heartbeat.
How about a ring finger tattoo?

A lovely variation on a ring finger tattoo. The way that the full tattoo only comes together when the couple folds down their respective ring fingers and touches knuckles is really sweet. You could do this with an arrow and heart just like they did.
Do you have a couple's motto?

This couple borrowed their motto from Toy Story and it's kind of perfect because who doesn't want their love to go "to infinity and beyond." This idea can be adapted to song lyrics, lines from a poem, or a quote to anything that is significant to the two of you.
Are you guys wild, ferocious, and ready to rule the jungle that is life?

If so, these coordinating tattoos of a crowned lion and lioness might be speaking your particular love language. The flowers underneath each animal portrait are an added bonus. These tattoos are bold and not for everyone, but they make quite the statement.
For Catrin and his Catrina.

Dandy tattoos for a dandy couple. These tattoos are clearly inspired by the work of Mexican cartoonist José Guadalupe Posada. Originally, the Catrina cartoons where meant to be satirical, but they have since been folded into Day of the Dead imagery even though the holiday predates them by far.
Riding the waves of love.

For a love that's as deep as the ocean. It's interesting that something as vast and immeasurable as the ocean can somehow be captured with a tiny finger tattoo. We're thinking a couple that has a strong connection to the beach would like this tattoo.
For when you want to keep an eye on each other.

We're kidding. These eyes aren't about spying on each other. A single eye is used in many religions and belief systems to represent the all-seeing eye of a higher power. It's like a divine eye. If your love feels divine, why not let it be seen?
Birds of a feather flock together.

Or maybe they just perch on bird swings that face each other and swing together. How cute are these two little birdie tattoos? Notice how when the couple puts their arms together, the birds are facing each other and looking into each other's eyes. Too, too, cute!
A piece of the pie.

For pizza lovers! Notice the single heart shaped pepperoni on each tattoo. Nice detail. Also notice that together these two are the whole dang pizza pie. A slice is yummy on its own, but it's not the whole pie. Dang it, now we really, really want some pizza.
Why get Calacas?

Because you make no bones about how much you love each other. Ha! Check out how these skeletons have a rockabilly aesthetic going on. Makes you think that perhaps the couple that got these tattoos might have the same kind of aesthetic going on.
Here are some more sweet sugar skull options.

If you are sweet on each other, this is a great option. What's particularly nice about sugar skulls is you can get them decorated in colors that you love. Each skull can be different and unique. You could each design your own or design one for each other.
Just a couple of lovers.

No explanation needed, but let's give one anyway. Or not so much an explanation as an observation. It's funny that so many people cringe when someone refers to their significant other as their lover. Why does that make people uncomfortable when it's simply the truth?
Aren't these dear?

Two deer for two dears. There must be a story behind why these two chose to get deer tattoos together and that's the whole point: They are conversation starters. Every time someone asks them about the tattoos, they will get to share a bit of their love story.
Lovers should be friends.

Two crossed arrows represent friendship. All lovers should be friends, but not all friends should be lovers. If a relationship is going to stand the test of time, it has to be built on a stable foundation of friendship.