Listen, we're all insecure at times. It's normal, it's natural, but if you are one of those women who has no self-confidence and is constantly broadcasting her insecurities, you need to stop and do something about it. To that end, click through these hilariously accurate insecurity memes to see if you identify a little too much to them. If you do, it's time to work on yourself.
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You don't trust your friendships.

Your bestie is in love, and all you do is worry about how she might not have time for you anymore. Not good.
You think everyone is laughing at you.

Get a grip, people laugh. Just because you are insecure doesn't mean they are laughing at you and even if they are, so what?!
You dress to hide your body.

Instead of dressing to celebrate your phenomenal assets, you dress to hide your perceived imperfections. Stop it, you are beautiful.
You feel comfortable being insecure.

You have a confident moment and you're like, "Wait, who is this person? Get her out of here." Stop that right now!
You think sharing a profile with your boyfriend is normal.

Nope, it's not normal. It's weird! Facebook profiles are meant for individuals, not couples.
You need constant attention.

If someone doesn't get back to you immediately, you assume they are ignoring you. Uh, people have lives and can't always be instantly available. Relax.
You're always telling everyone how insecure you are.

You figure that you are insecure so you may as well let everyone know, but that doesn't do you any good. It also makes others uncomfortable because they think they have to reassure you. That's not their job, you need to reassure yourself. You are good enough, I promise.
Your insecurity keeps you isolated.

Recognize this lonely cycle? It doesn't have to continue.
You put others down to make yourself feel better.

Truly secure people don't mock or put other people down just because they are afraid of competition. No one is competing with you.
You fish for compliments.

Everyone is guilty of this one sometimes, but don't make it a habit.