No doubt about it, I have a wicked sense of humor and it doesn't stop being wicked during the holidays either. That's why I am laughing my pompis off at these wicked Nativity scenes I've come across on the internet. I realize that there are some out there who will find these nativity scenes blasphemous or sacrilegious if you will, but that doesn't stop them from being funny. Plus I'm pretty sure that God has a sense of humor and I consider laughing a blessing, so …
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Click through this gallery of 10 hilariously blasphemous Nativity scenes and then say a Hail Mary or two as penance if you can't handle the guilt.
Image via Thinkstock
Latino Nativity

Do you think this is proof positive that Jesus was black or Afro-Latino? Or do you think it just means that Jesus has no calories?
Colbert Christmas

I don't know about Joseph and Mary, but the Abominable Snowman seems pretty excited about the birth of Stephen Colbert.
The other white meat Christmas

As delicious as this edible pork Nativity scene may be, I'm not sure I could bite into baby Jesus.
Batteries included

Some nativity scenes are battery operated. This one is all batteries. How cute is the baby Jesus battery? It's so little!
Toy Story

So that's how Mr. Potato Head was born?!
Big baby Jesus

That baby Jesus is HUGE? Maybe Mary had gestational diabetes? That might explain the size.
Los Minions

Aren't we all just minions to the Lord?
Dr. Evil

In this scene it looks like Dr. Evil from Austin Powers may have had something to do with delivering Jesus. He's hard to spot at first, but trust me he's there and he wants to charge "one million dollars" for the delivery.
Oh my Gatos!

Hello kitty, aren't you cute?!
One on one

I'm sorry, but the birth of a savior seems like a totally inappropriate time to play some one-on-one if you are the angel on duty.