The best part of President Obama’s inauguration was watching the amazing First Family

What a night! If President Obama is the Commander-in-Chief, then his wife, First Lady Michelle Obama, is without a doubt the Commander-in-CHIC. I have to admit I don't know what I liked most: the First Lady's scarlet Jason Wu gown which she wore like a queen, or hearing the President of the United States of America praising the First Lady's new bangs, or watching him sing into her ear as they danced during the Inaugural Ball, as if 23 years together were nothing, or simply watching the entire family together (Sasha and Malia's cute outfits and Sasha's humongous yawn among the best parts).

I have to tell you all, watching the First couple renewed my faith in life, in love, in marriage–it's evident that the First Lady is truly President Obama's better half. If anything can be said of the public and private acts during the second inauguration of the President, it was the love and affection that the couple showed toward each other.

When last Sunday Michelle Obama became the media obsession as she wowed us all with her new hairdo, the best part of which was that new chic fringe that makes her look like a doll, the President himself threw some piropos her way, commenting that his wife's new look was the best part of the Inaugural Week. "She looks good," he admitted. "She always looks good."

Read more ¿Qué más?: President Barack Obama & Michelle's hug conquers the Internet

Aw! The best of the photos to come out of the Inauguration festivities, though, has to be the viral one that shows the President and First Lady in the middle of a kiss while little Sasha tries to snap a pic with her phone–all while Malia photo bombs the whole thing. The kiss reminded me of a couple of high school kids, just stealing a smooch in between classes.

I honestly lost count of how many times they kissed during the entire weekend and yesterday. They walked hand in hand toward the military parade on Pennsylvania Avenue and they kept me glued to the TV so I wouldn't miss one detail of this historic inauguration and of this amazing family.

At the dance last night, they danced, and President Obama sang in his sweetheart's ear while Jennifer Hudson seemed to sing to just them "Let's Stay Together." I have to say, I feel blessed to live in a country governed by a couple that is so in love. There is hope!

Image via Twitter