Your story of triumph can make you a Latina mom worthy of celebration, worthy of a prize!

Think about it for a couple of minutes and chances are there has been at least one amazing Latina mom (besides your own) who has been a real inspiration to you. I know I have come across some women who have used their inner strength to get past a difficult experience in life or their creativity and vision to start something new or help the people around them. Some of these women I've known first hand (my sisters, a good childhood friend, someone I've met through work) and others I've only known of but never had the chance to meet in person. I have learned so much from them–their heroic acts, everyday good deeds or their inspiring words alone have taught me a lesson or two. 

Our staff at MamásLatinas has brought some of these Latina moms to light– Glamis Haro Olga Custodio, Dolores Huerta to name a few–as we look for inspiration around us to bring inspiration to you. And we wonder, is yours one of such stories?  

Don't miss this chance to tell us how you have motivated positive change in your community, triumphed over adversity, done something admirable to help children or succeeded in a new fantastic venture. We want to celebrate you in our First Annual MamásLatinas Awards. Share your story with us for a chance to win $5,000 and other prizes, and to be honored in a fabulous gala. Lucia Ballas Traynor, EVP of MamásLatinas, tells you how in this video…

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Learn more about the awards and/or apply now by going to Mamá 

Enter by completing an application at for the initial round.  Limit one entry per person. 25 finalists will be selected from all eligible entries and seven (7) winners will be selected from finalists to receive a $5,000 Prize and other prizes (valued at over $5,500).  The winners shall be selected on or about August 24, 2012. *No Purchase Necessary. Open to US residents 18 years and older. Void where prohibited. Go for the rest of the Official Rules.__
