Did you ever wonder how some celebrities fit perfectly in those red carpet gowns? You know that is not only Spanx, because their arms look skinny too. The answer is The Burn, and Haylie Pomroy is the woman behind it. She is a nutritional therapist who finally understood what women want. We want to lose weight fast! She developed a series of diets targeting one "problem area" and she combines herbs, vitamins, ingredients and spices to alter the hormones to lose weight in less than five days. Her new five-day-burn plan has stars raging about it and you can do it at home without paying the big bucks!
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According to Haylie some of our weight issues have to do with hormones and her burn solves that problem. How to combat lack of muscle mass, water retention or digestive problems? Haylie picks herbs, spices, and ingredients designed to break those barriers and start burning fat. Her very successful plan works because it revs up your metabolism.
The five-day-burn targets the fat around the belly and leaves you with a flatter stomach. A dream come true! Haylie achieves that by getting rid of toxins in the body that prevent the fat around the waist from melting away. Her fat-burning-killer plan also supports beneficial bacteria and releases enzymes that help dissolve fat and shed pounds. Her meals are easy to prepare and they are packed with fiber, which help you feel full and satiated. If you feel bloated, constipated, gassy and suffer from indigestion, this five-day-burn is perfect for you.
First things first, you have to stop eating processed foods and white flour because it sits in your stomach and slows your metabolism. The secret weapons she uses to shock the body and make it lose weight in record time are: a breakfast smoothie, a cleansing tea and a nourishing soup. You'll eat only those types of foods for five days and you'll lose the weight. Make sure to use super ingredients like kale, whole grains and berries to make a winning combination.
Cleansing cinnamon tea
- 1 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1 piece ginger root
- 1 peppermint teabag
- 1 liquorice teabag
- 1 tbsp flaxseeds
- 8 ounces of water
Combine all ingredients. Bring the tea to a boil then let it seep for 10 to 15 minutes. Drink every day for lunch.
Embedded content: http://youtu.be/jXpsbMrIlJA
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