A lot of people make resolutions at the end of the year that they intend to keep throughout the following year. Many of us make financial, health, or wellness resolutions. As you consider what resolutions you might want to make for a better future, we thought that we would suggest a few easy and attainable beauty resolutions that you should make like right now and keep forever. We’re not even kidding, these really are things you should be doing to care for yourself and if you aren’t already doing them, it’s about time your resolve to do them.
More from MamásLatinas: Natural beauty secrets from around the world
All of our suggestions are attainable. We aren’t sharing any kind of nonsense about how you should reshape this, disguise that, or try to make yourself look like anyone other than your already beautiful self. These beauty resolutions are about taking care of yourself so that you can look and feel radiant. Some of them you may already be doing, and others you can easily adopt and add to your beauty regimen.
Always, always take your makeup off before bed.

You may be tired, you may not think it’s that big of a deal to leave your makeup on, but don’t do it! Sleeping with your makeup on can lead to breakouts and dark under-eye circles the following morning. At the very least, keep a pack of makeup remover wipes on your nightstand so that you never have an excuse to sleep with your makeup on.
Use an eye cream.

That skin around your lovely peepers is very delicate and could benefit from creams formulated just for that area. A good eye cream can keep the skin around your eyes hydrated and help prevent crow’s feet.
Get yourself a great night cream.

Night creams tend to be thicker and more nourishing. Putting them on your clean makeup-free face and letting them work their magic overnight is a habit you definitely want to develop and maintain. Your skin will thank you for it.
During the day, use a moisturizer with SPF.

Even in the winter you should be protecting your skin from the sun. Never step out of the house without applying a moisturizer that contains at least SPF 30. This is something that you want to teach your children to do, too, so you can set them up with healthy skin habits for a lifetime. And, of course, always apply sunscreen when you’re going to be frolicking in the sun.
Visit a dermatologist.

Of course, the most important reason to see a dermatologist is to have your skin evaluated for skin cancer, but a dermatologist can also help you find the best products for your specific skin concerns. Dermatologist also offer an array of effective treatments to help you maintain healthy skin.
Treat yourself to regular facials.

Whenever possible and when it’s safe to do so, go ahead and treat yourself to a professional facial. A good facial not only cleanses and exfoliates the skin, it also helps to ward off wrinkles and other signs of aging. Keeping safety and health in mind and when possible, try to book a facial with a professional esthetician four times a year, for a healthy, glowing complexion.
Use anti-aging products, no matter your age.

Anti-aging products are for young skin, too. You can consult a dermatologist to help you determine your skin type, if you don’t already know, and then get anti-aging products that will help your skin stay radiant.
Don’t forget to moisturize your entire body.

It’s great to moisturize your face, but don’t forget about the rest of your body. Your neck, chest, hands, and entire body deserve to be slathered in moisturizer, too. Make sure to moisturize from head to toe every time you bathe and keep some moisturizer by your bed that you can apply to your hands and feet before you sleep.
Give yourself a weekly hair mask.

To keep hair healthy and hydrated, you want to try to apply a deep conditioning hair mask treatment to your locks at least once a week. This is especially important if you color or heat style your hair. A hair mask will help restore dry, brittle hair, leaving it smooth and shiny.
Step away from the hot tools.

Give your straightening iron or curling wand some regular time off. All that heat isn’t good for your hair. It can dry out your hair, making it brittle and prone to breakage. Instead, embrace your hair’s natural texture more often.
Stop biting your nails.

It really is an incredibly nasty habit that can even end up getting you sick. Think about all the things your hands touch. Do you really want to put all those things in your mouth? No, of course, you don’t, but that’s kind of what you’re doing when you bite your nails. You expose yourself to germs that don’t need to be going into your body while making your nails look raggedy.
Be familiar with the texture of your breasts.

Try examining yourself your breasts in the shower once around the same time each month. Take your first two fingers and move your hand around in a circular motion to check for any abnormal bumps. Make sure to consult with a doctor immediately if you notice anything different. If you're 45 years of age or older, you should get a yearly mammogram.
Clean your cellphone regularly.

Those devices can get really grimy and that grime can get all over your face and cause breakouts. Phone screens are not self-cleaning. You need to wipe them down regularly with a tissue or swab and a bit of rubbing alcohol.
Evaluate your beauty routine.

As we get older, our skin changes and so should our beauty regimens. Set aside some time to figure out what your current beauty needs are to help you determine what products you now need to incorporate into your regular routine.
Drink more water!

Moisturize your skin from the inside out. Water is crucial to your well-being. Our bodies need to be hydrated to function at their best and many of us do not drink enough water. Start your day off by having a glass of water before you have anything else as a way to set the tone for your day and remind yourself to keep drinking water all day long, every day.