Let’s talk about double chins. A lot of us have double chins, and very few of us are enamored of them. It’s not like the beauty industry or any industry is pushing double chins as something to strive for, so most of us who have them would rather not. The thing is that although some double chins are due to weight gain, there are plenty of slim people who have them, just like there are plenty of not-slim people who never develop double chins. Still, there are a few things that those of us prone to double chins can do to get rid of or prevent them. And we’re not talking about anything diet- or surgery-related.
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We’re talking about simple exercises that you can do daily to give yourself more of a defined jawline and less of a double chin. But none of our suggestions are meant to make you feel insecure, because we think you are wonderful just as you are. It's just that we know we all have insecurities when it comes to our physical appearance. We wish it weren’t so, but it is what it is. Although we would love to wave a magic wand and make all of our collective insecurities go away, we haven’t figured out how to do that yet. So for now, we try to find healthy and kind ways to deal with these perceived imperfections of ours, which is why we’re sharing these simple tricks to get rid of a double chin if that kind of thing bothers you.
What causes a double chin?

A double chin is caused when a layer of fat called submental fat forms under your chin. Sometimes that fat develops because you've gained weight, but as we mentioned before, plenty of slim folks have double chins, too. You might have a double chin because of genetics or even develop one as you age because the skin under your chin becomes looser.
We're going to share some exercises that can help, but first a gentle reminder.

We're going to share a few exercises that can help get rid of a double chin, but before you try them out, we want to remind you to warm up the area around your neck and jaw. You should always warm up before doing any kind of exercise, and that goes for neck exercises, too. You can do that by gently lowering your head toward your chest, then slowly and gently lifting it until you are looking up at the ceiling. You can also do head rolls in a clockwise and then counterclockwise motion.
Simple neck exercises you can do multiple times a day

Not only will these help relieve tension and pain in the neck area, doing neck exercises can also help eliminate some of the volume of a double chin. All you have to do is move your neck gently up and down, then look side to side, various times a day.
Do jaw juts.

Tilt your head back until you're looking at the ceiling, then turn it toward the right, jut your jaw out and hold for 10 seconds. Release and then do the same thing on the left side. You can do this multiple times a day.
We'll call this one "kissy selfie face."

This one is almost like when people look up and make a kissy face for a selfie, but no phone is required. Tilt your head back so that you're looking up at the ceiling, then pucker up like you're going to kiss the ceiling. Hold it for a few seconds, then release the pucker and bring your head back down. You'll feel how puckering up while looking up works the muscles under your chin.
You can use balls for exercises.

Using a tennis or baseball to exercise this area is another great trick. Hold a ball between your chin and your chest, and move it side to side gently. It's actually kind of fun. If you work at a desk, you might want to keep a ball handy to do this daily.
Indulge your gum habit or just pretend to.

Although it's a "bad habit" for many, chewing gum can help strengthen the muscles around your jaw. When you chew gum to get rid of your double chin, make sure you exaggerate the chewing motion and open and close your mouth widely. You'll want to do this in private, because it's a pretty annoying way to chew gum. Or you could just pretend to chew gum for the same effect.
Try this sweet potato mask.

Some people swear by sweet potato puree masks because sweet potatoes are said to have firming properties. The firming properties come from the vitamin A, or retinols, in sweet potatoes. The only thing you have to do is turn a cooked sweet potato into puree, then cool it for a few hours before applying it like a mask on your chin and neck.
Try peels and exfoliating facials.

Peels and exfoliating facials renew your skin and make it less prone to stretching. Next time you give yourself a facial, don't forget about your neck. Exfoliate from the chest up while gently tapping your skin on the way up.
Avoid the sun.

Sorry, but it's true: The sun can age skin and make it more flaccid. And not even your chin is exempt from its damage! Before going out, always put on sunblock. Don't be afraid to use a parasol or a wide floppy hat to keep yourself in the shade. It's better to prevent, never forget!
Try an onion toner.

Onions have anti-scarring and firming properties. There are expensive creams with onion extract that you can try, or you can also make a simple onion toner at home. Here's how to do it: Boil a few peeled onions in water for about an hour on low heat. Strain it and keep in an airtight bottle so you can apply each night.
Give yourself or get a daily massage.

There is no scientific proof that giving yourself a daily neck massage will get rid of a double chin, but many people believe it does. Also, it feels good. Giving yourself a gentle neck massage every day will get blood flowing to that area, help you relax, and remind you how good it is to practice self-care regularly. Oh, and if you have a willing helper, why not have them give you a daily neck and shoulder massage to show their love?!
Try a dandelion rinse.

After washing your face, finish off with a dandelion rinse. Dandelions have properties that naturally tighten the skin. To make a dandelion rinse, simply pour hot water over dandelions and let the liquid cool, then strain and rinse your face with it.
Mind your posture.

Sometimes we hold ourselves in ways that push our chins in and give us a double chin whether we have one or not. If you want to avoid looking that way in pictures, hold your head up and jut your jaw out instead of pushing your chin in. Practice in front of the mirror.
Avoid drastic changes in weight.

Some people gain weight and don't develop a double chin because of genetics or their jawline shape or because that's just not where they gain weight. But many of us do gain weight under our chin, so keeping our weight stable can help keep us from developing a double chin.