Need ideas for workouts or simple exercises that you can do at home with or without the kids? We got you. We know that when you are home with your kids and don't have the option of going to the gym or playground, getting exercise in can be tough. Maybe you're used to having your workouts be your "me" time without the kids, and now you have to adapt to being expected to share that time with little humans who love you and want to be all up in your business 24/7. You could wait until they are asleep to get your exercise on, or you could go with the flow and let them get in on your exercise routine.
More from MamásLatinas: 10 Latina fitness influencers to follow on Instagram for workout inspiration
The truth is that exercise is great for everyone in the family, so why not make it a family activity, especially if that is the only way that you can guarantee that you will get any exercise at all? You will definitely have to exercise patience, because kids don't always follow a plan, and that's OK. Flexibility–be it mental or physical–is a good thing. Be flexible with how you work out when your kids are with you, and be flexible about when you work out. You'll have to modify exercises for your children, and you will have to work out when you can, which might be in small chunks throughout the day instead of one big chunk.
Now, as for inspiration, we found some awesome moms on Instagram who regularly work out with their kids. They've got some go-to exercises that you can incorporate into your rotation. Also, remember that moving your body to music is a great form of exercise, so when all else fails, pump up the jams and have a family dance party to get your blood pumping. If you pick music your kids love, then you can probably even manage to sneak in some of the following exercises without too much trouble.
Get yourself some at-home accountability partners.
Play this one with the sound on! How cute are the sounds of joy coming from this child? If that's not motivation to keep working out, we don't know what is. The caption on this post reads: "Success Rule #4 Find an accountability partner or group. I found mine!"
Add a balance ball and a darling child to your core stability exercises.
We love the idea of letting your child drape over the balance ball while you work out your core. You get a bit of bonding time and still get a really good strengthening move done. Be patient with yourself and your child.
Babies can make side planks even more challenging.
Check out this move where baby gets a fun ride while making a side plank even harder than it already is. A few reps of this move on both sides and you'll feel the burn. If you need a rest, take a short break and give your baby some kisses!
Exercises you can do while waiting for dinner to cook.
Remember that exercise can happen at any point during the day and can even happen in small snippets throughout the day. This mother and son were waiting for their dinner to cook and used the time to do jump squats, burpees, lateral bear crawls, and more. Notice that on many of the moves, mommy is using her partner as extra weight.
How about some modified burpees with baby on your back?
Burpees are a great full-body exercise that you can certainly do on your own for great results, but you can also modify them like this mom did to include a baby who just needs to be held at the moment. The caption on this post explains: "For the past 5 days I have been doing a personal challenge: #dropandgiveme50burpees.Today I was finishing up and had only 10 left and baby boy just wanted to be held. So instead of quitting I compromised and finish with 10 of these alternate regressed burpee movements."
Do some bridges with baby!
Baby gets to go up and down, and you get to stare at baby’s cute face. This mommy writes, “Bridging exercise with baby! 10 x 3 sets ♀️ Bridging exercises are one of my favorite exercises and I feel they really help to strengthen my back and buttock muscles which support my posture. I continued doing the exercises during my pregnancy and I had no back pain throughout! Now it’s a great exercise with my 7kg baby!”
You could also turn your couch into a workout tool.
Sofas get a bad rap when it comes to fitness goals. You're always being told to get off the couch. But what if you do like this clever mom and use the couch as part of your home fitness routine? You can do this move with or without a baby.
Can’t get your baby to sleep long enough to get a workout in?
“My child won’t sleep, I can’t exercise! I hear you, mine doesn’t sleep either, 3.5 months old baby won’t sleep when I want him to sleep. Shall we sit and get upset? Would that help? No, then take them with you and do whatever you can. Something is better than nothing. Eren helped me with ⭐️Core, Legs, Gluteus, Hamstrings, Control and Balance exercises,” writes this mom.
Exercises you can do together using a ball.
Here's a fun series of exercises that you can do with your child that require nothing more than a ball. No fancy weights or machines, just a basic rubber ball that most kids already own. Not only will these moves get your blood pumping, they'll help you both learn how to work together and cooperate.
Get the whole gang to do lunges with you.
Just watching this video will make your quadriceps start to tremble. If you have a backyard, you can practice do lunges with the whole family there, but this can also be done down a hallway or across a room. Work with what have.
Change your perspective.
It’s easy to get frustrated when you want to exercise and your kids refuse to leave you alone or stay off you. But it’s really not that much harder to change your perspective, as this mom doing a plank with her child on her back writes: “Some ‘obstacles’ in life are actually the best ones! It’s all a matter of perspective.”
Be the obstacle course.
You know how when you take the kids to a playground, they love going up, down, and through things? They get really excited about anything that resembles an obstacle course. Take a look at how much these children are loving using their mom as an obstacle course. She does push-ups and planks as they decide whether to go over or under her.
If you love working out, share the love.
Some people love working out; it's a way of life and fun. If that's who you are, then share that love with your children from the very beginning. Let them be a part of all the exercise that you love to do; just modify it so that it is safe for them. Like how this mom lifts weights while her daughter lifts a broom.
Do some crib squats.
Put baby in the crib facing up, and do some squats alongside the crib. Keep baby engaged by counting and clapping. Do three sets of 10, and be proud of yourself because you are resourceful. Not only are you exercising, you are teaching your baby how to count.
Help ease lower back pain by strengthening your glutes.
This mommy, who also happens to be a celebrity fitness trainer, shows you how to do a glute workout with baby. Yes, the moves will give you a nice-looking booty, but they also help with lower back pain, because lower back pain can be a sign of weak glutes.
Perfect for mamas with carrier-sized babies.
If you wear your baby in a front-facing carrier, this is a great triceps dip exercise option for you. You can do it off the side of your sofa or from a good solid chair. Having baby on you adds weight and makes your triceps work harder.
Try this lunge, rotate, and baby dip move.
You can hear the mom say, “These burn, man!” We have no doubt they do. They would burn even if you weren’t holding a baby. And if you find that holding a baby is too hard for you, then by all means, do them without the baby. It’s about listening to your body.
Baby-on-board push-ups for the win!
You don’t even have to try to get baby on your back when you do push-ups. Just get into a push-up position and before you know it, your little one will have climbed onto your back. They’re just wired that way.
Put baby on the ground and get some leg extensions in.
This baby is mesmerized by his mommy’s face as she does leg extensions. This is another opportunity where you could count out loud to start teaching your baby numbers. Do the counting in both English and Spanish.
No gym equipment, no problem.
This workout requires nothing more than a child and your determination. You’ll be doing squat presses, overhead presses, weighted lunges, and bicep curls. There’s even the clever use of a toy stroller as an ab wheel. Always, always listen to your body. If it’s too hard to do the exercises while lifting a child, then don’t.
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