It looks like Miss Bumbum's 2012 runner up is in pretty bad shape. Andressa Urach, a 27-year-old Brazilian model who won second place at the country's popular Miss Bumbum competition, is currently in intensive care after a botched plastic surgery gone wrong. Apparently she's caught a serious infection that has her fighting for her life. This is absolutely devastating! But here's what I don't understand: Don't the Miss Bumbum competitors have to be "all natural?" What is she doing get plastic surgery?
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Urach may have been crowned Miss Bumbum runner up in 2012, but that booty of hers is far from natural. According to reports, she's had at least nine plastic surgery procedures done including a nose job, jaw reduction, bioplasty facial correction, a boob job, liposuction, vaginal lip reduction and even injections to fill out her thighs and lift her butt. Those very same injections are what caused Urach's infection. Apparently she had two types of injections inserted into those areas. One was hydrogel and the other is called PMMA.
The Brazilian model started feeling a lot of pain in her thighs around July. Apparently the injections were causing her leg muscles to rot. How scary is that? "The hydrogel was not absorbed by my body and started to harm me. Now I've discovered that the PMMA is sticking to my muscles and causing the tissue to rot," she said in an interview with Brazil's R7 website. "That's why I am feeling such strong pains. I'm taking morphine every four hours and antibiotics to alleviate the suffering."
Doctors tried draining her thighs in a second operation but a serious infection followed, leaving her with serious surgery wounds and in worst condition. She went into septic shock and is currently in a sedated state. Only a miracle can save this poor girl.
The pressure some women put on themselves to be beautiful is truly astonishing to me. This beautiful, young woman basically risked her health and her life all in the name of beauty and for what? Okay, so she was Miss Bumbum runner up for 2012 but what does that matter now? Let's just pray she's somehow able to get out of this and let this be a lesson to all the young girls out there considering going under the knife.
Images via Andressa Urach/Instagram