5 Bilingual board games your whole family will enjoy

Did you know that one of the best ways to make sure your bilingual kids don't end up hating Spanish is to try to make it as fun as possible? A great way to do that is by playing good, old board games–like when we were little. You may think your kids won't be interested, but if you start playing them early on and you make it a special event every time, I bet you they'll have a lot of fun! Take a look at my family's favorite bilingual board games.

Read more ¿Qué más?: Get your kids interested in playing sports with these 10 easy tips

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Spanish Bananagrams


Bananagrams is an anagram game but with all the letters of the alphabet in Spanish, including the ñ, ll and ch. Great way to practice new words as well as spelling in Spanish. I only recently started playing this game with my 6-year-old daughter and she was hooked.

¿Adivina Quién?


Although we own the Spanish version of Guess Who?, you don't really need to get ¿Adivina Quién? to play this super fun and popular kid's game. All you need to do is play the game in Spanish and your kids will get to practice a bunch of descriptive words in an effort to guess who you chose.



This bilingual game is so much fun even for the little ones. Zingo is basically a form of bingo but with a twist. The little contraption you see in the picture reveals two tiles at a time with images that match those on the players' cards. Kids get to call out the names of the tiles if they have them on their cards thereby practicing their vocabulary in Spanish.

Table Topics in Spanish


This game consists of a deck of cards with interesting questions that are supposed to get a good conversation going. I'd say Table Topics in Spanish is a game to be played with older children who already have an extensive vocabulary in Spanish, but maybe they don't really get to use it all the time.

Rory's Story Cubes


Again, this game is not in Spanish, but since it's all about the imagination of your children, you can play in it in any language you want. Rory's Story Cubes consists of a bunch of cubes with different images on each side. The idea is for kids to get as creative as possible in telling a story using the images they got when they rolled the cubes. The recommended age is 8+, but my 6-year-old has lots of fun playing it!