Human flesh is never on someone's menu unless you are Hannibal Lecter, a zombie, or a real life murderer with a sick craving for his victim's heart or lungs. Apparently, wannabe cannibals have been feeling left out and British chef has just the fix. James Thomlinson has come up with a burger recipe that tastes like our chichos. Yes, just like you heard it…
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Inspired by The Walking Dead and William Seabrook's book Jungle Ways, Thomlinson researched what foods would give the right consistency and flavor to his human-loving patties. He also read up on the Japanese cannibal killer Issei Sagawa, who once described human flesh tasting like "raw tuna at a sushi restaurant." Thanks, sushi and sashimi just may never taste the same to me again. Sigh.
Since when has cannibalism inspired a chef? I don't know who is crazier, the chef or the idiots out there that are willing to try this! Are you just that bored with life? Is your palate just totally maxed out and in desperate need of something gross? I get that cannibalism was once a way to claim triumph over your enemy, but we have way surpassed those hunter and gatherer days.
He reportedly mixes veal, chicken liver, pork and bone marrow in his burgers to give it an accurate type of human flesh flavor. I want to barf just thinking about it! At least he doesn't actually add human flesh in there. Hey, with all of the crazy stories out there, I wouldn't put it pass anyone.
I'm sure Thomlinson is loving the attention, but he better not think he is starting a trend or anything because I am here to shut that down right now. Let me stick to my salmon and carne asada fella. You can go devour your human flesh tasting burger all by yourself. Gracias.
Image via London Mess/Facebook