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Tag: obesity
Tu Salud
Study finds Coca-Cola paid scientists to downplay how sugary drinks fueled obesity crisis
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8 New weight loss treatments you’ll be hearing about very soon
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This zero belly diet promises a flat tummy in no time!
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Potatoes may actually help you LOSE weight
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Girl who weighs 660 lbs is trapped in her body
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She weighs 600 pounds by choice and dreams of getting bigger
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Lose weight while you sleep by avoiding these mistakes!
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Virgin loses 308 lbs & finds love
Estilo de Vida e Inspiración
SEE: Woman loses 136 lbs after breakup & look at her now!
Tu Salud
Manuel Uribe, the world’s fattest man, dies at 48 after losing tons of weight
Tu Salud
Former 430 pound virgin loses more than half his size!
Crianza y Embarazo
Woman loses SEVEN babies, then drops 238 lbs & has a healthy newborn