Girl who weighs 660 lbs is trapped in her body

As a mother of two daughters, my heart was broken when I heard about Amber. She is only 24 years old and she weighs 660 pounds! It's hard to feel anything but pain for this young girl who should be out there experiencing and exploring the world, but instead she is house bound because of her enormous weight. She lives with her parents and feels like a "yucky monster". Amber is so obese she has to bathe with a cup sitting on the toilet and she can barely walk. She is part of the third season of TLC's reality series "My 600-lb Life" and she hopes that the gastric bypass surgery gives her a new life.

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Amber knows she is killing herself, she wants to change but she is weak and she can't do it on her own. She hopes that being part of the reality series will give her the strength she needs to undergo the life-threatening surgery to transform her life. She feels trapped in her morbidly obese body and she doesn't want to be the person she became anymore. Wow! I wonder what happened to her. What generated that self-destructing behavior? Her mother said that since she was young she felt she wasn't good enough and she became a master under achiever. Amber quit her studies and her job two years ago because she couldn't get out of her home.

I see her and I see a lot of pain. As a mom I wonder if there was something her mom could have done to prevent her from over-eating. Amber recognizes the immense pain she has caused to her parents and she wants to change that. She feels like a failure and she wants to take back the reins of her life. She is so young, she deserves better! I'm so happy she is part of the show because she needs to lose that weight to save her life. She is a walking bomb. Her heart could stop at any time because she must be in poor health.

I hope the show makes her talk to a therapist because most of the time weight issues are due to a psychological trauma. It's a mental sickness and they need a support system to heal those wounds in order to lose the weight and keep it off. I'll be cheering you on Amber, I'm sure you can do this. It won't be easy, but you are a strong girl with a desire to change and that's half the battle. She hopes to return to school, get married and have children.

Images via Corbis, Mail Online