Hazel Dyson was just about to give hope of ever having a boyfriend before she finally found the motivation she needed to turn her life around. The formerly obese virgin weighed 308 pounds and had never been in love before. She claims that men were disgusted by her large figure and her biggest fear was hitting 30 without ever having experienced true love. So she made some drastic diet changes, lost 168 pounds and now at 27 looks better than ever. You have to see her now!
Readmore ¿Qué más? Blogger loses 60 lbs in 3 months & you have to see her now!
"I'd struggled with my weight since I was a child, and by the time I was in secondary school, I was [210 pounds]," she told the Daily Mail. "Over the years, my weight just ballooned and at 21, I was a size 26 and 22st (308 pounds)."
Dyson claims she was always "the fat one" in her group of friends. She never had a boyfriend and was so embarrassed about it she would make up stories about men she supposedly met. The poor girl binged on pizza, chocolate fudge cake and Chinese takeout on a regular basis. But in 2008 she got a wake-up call after visiting her doctor. "He told me that if I didn't start to lose weight, I would need hip replacement by the time I was 30," she said. "I was absolutely mortified. Up until then, I'd blamed my size on my polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), but I knew then that I had to stop making excuses."
To make matters worse all of Dyson's friends were getting married, a constant reminder that she was alone. So she made drastic diet changes replacing all her junk food for fresh foods and vegetables and worked her butt off too. Six years later, she's 168 pounds lighter, fit and confident.
After joining a few dating sites, Dyson met a ton of men and even found her first boyfriend. They wound up breaking up after nine months but she's still confident that her Mr. Right is still out there.
This isn't just a story about an obese woman looking for love. It's so much more than that. Dyson wasn't happy with herself and it was effecting every aspect of her life from her self-esteem to her health and her love life. So she made changes and she's not just slimmer, but finally comfortable in her own skin. I'm so very proud of her!
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