Losing weight is a battle and there are countless of weight loss treatments selling the perfect solution. As technology continues to advance, so do advanced treatments that promise to lower our waistlines with minimal effort. While some of these treatments have been FDA approved and are fresh on the market, others are still being studied and some are even banned as of now. One thing is for sure, scientist are pushing hard to develop the perfect weight loss treatment for the future. Check out eight new weight loss treatment you may have never heard of–but may be tempted to try!
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The "Reshape Duo"

The FDA is currently reviewing this weight loss treatment, which entails doctors inserting a gastric saline-filled balloon into the stomach for a period of six months. The goal is to have the patient practice portion control and also feel full quicker.
Maestro Rechargeable System

In January, the FDA approved a device that targets the nerve pathway that connects the brain and stomach. The treatment controls the feeling of hunger and fullness among overweight and obese patients.

Scientists have developed a "smart capsule" that releases particles that absorb food and passes it through the intestines quicker. The capsules should be taken before eating. In a 12-week study, participants lost 6 percent of their body weight using the treatment.

This pill was FDA approved in 2012 and is used to treat over active bladders. Studies have shown that it also helps with weight loss. Check with a doctor before trying at home.

FDA approved in late 2014, this weight loss pill is among one of the newest weight loss medications to hit the market. Doctors are encouraged to evaluate the patient within a 12-week span to examine how much body mass has been lost. The packaging warns it works best with a low-calorie diet.

With two injections on a weekly basis, this drug allows the body to burn off stored fat quicker. It's currently still being studied and could be on the market by 2016.

EndoBarrier is currently not available in the U.S., but is offered in some global markets. Scientists developed a small liner that's placed in the beginning of the intestine. The figure remains in the body for a year and is expected to promote quick digestion and portion control.

This is one of the newest weight loss pills to hit the market. It contains a compound called phentermine, which helps with short term weight loss.