11 Reasons Alex Rodriguez’s daughters love Jennifer Lopez as a stepmom

Jennifer Lopez is building a beautifully blended family. The Boricua pop diva has been hanging out quite a bit with boyfriend Alex Rodriguez and his daughters, Natasha and Ella. The girls seem to be all about J.Lo and there's plenty of reasons why she's the coolest stepmom ever! Take a look at how Jennifer has managed to impress A-Rod's kids.

More from MamásLatinas: 10 Ways Jennifer Lopez will be the queen of 2017

Image via Jennifer Lopez/Instagram

J.Lo sings karaoke and is fun during her off time.

Alex Rodriguez/Instagram

She was spotted singing Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" along with Alex Rodrguez and a bunch of family and friends. Natasha was also rocking along.

She's a girl's girl.

Jennifer Lopez/Instagram

J.Lo may be, well, J.Lo, but she still has a humble personality. She also seems all about girls and loves spending time with Emme. Now she has two more awesome chicas by her side.

She slays onstage and is a mega pop star.

Alex Rodriguez/Instagram

How can you not be totally mesmerized by her? It's no different being in her inner circle. These kids want to see a show!

She can also just be a normal, laid-back mom.

Jennifer Lopez/Instagram

While the pop star has a huge career and all of the fame in the world, when she isn't working she's super laid-back and chill. Look at her here with minimal makeup and her "Good Vibes" sweatshirt. Doesn't get more chill than this!

She has nailed 'taking your kid to work day.'

Jennifer Lopez/Instagram

Max, Emme and her niece paid her a visit on the set of Shades Of Blue. I'm pretty sure this stuff also impresses Natasha and Ella.

J.Lo has a great sense of style.

Jennifer Lopez/Instagram

I mean, just imagine what her closet must look like! I'm sure A-Rod's girls also admire her fashion sense.

Natasha and Emme already look like besties.

Jennifer Lopez/Instagram

And don't they look kind of related too? The fact that J.Lo is so good to Emme probably makes Natasha feel more confident about having J.Lo dating her dad.

She loves picnics with kids.

Jennifer Lopez/Instagram

J.Lo enjoyed a picnic with Max earlier this year. That's probably gives her more family points with his girls.

She has a good heart.

Jennifer Lopez/Instagram

J.Lo's nice to her tiny fans and that shows just what kind of heart she has.

She's all about family bonding.

Alex Rodrguez/Instagram

No matter how busy J.Lo gets, she always makes time for her kids and family. Natasha and Ella probably take notice and love it.

She makes their dad happy.


A-Rod is loving his time with J.Lo. His kids probably take notice and are all about her because he's in love and happy. What else matters in life?