It's one thing to accuse Kylie Jenner of getting lip injections (which she later admitted to) because it was hella obvious. It's another thing to accuse a pregnant woman for getting lip injections. Beyonce's publicist recently issued a firm statement where she destroyed haters for accusing her client of cosmetically altering her pout. Wait until you read it. It's EPIC!
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The statement comes as a response to a MediaTakeOut story that compared Beyonce's "gigantic" lips to Kylie Jenner's lip injections. Beyonce's rep Yvette Noel-Schure was absolutely not having it and called out the media outlet and any other haters out there for body-shaming her pregnant client.
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"What do you know about the effects of pregnancy on a woman's entire body? Please tell me," she wrote. "Did you know that in addition to weight gain there is often a dramatic change in the blood flow in the system and increased fluid causing swelling? Do you know that often women's gums get swollen? Do you know that it sometimes affects our speech, our ability to chew intently and a host of other things?" But wait, she wasn't done.
"I stood silent during Beyonce's first pregnancy when you thought it was OK to bully her like the cowards you are, when you accused her of never being pregnant, but I simply cannot this time," she added. "You are the saddest individuals and picking on a pregnant lady is tantamount to possessing the coldest, despicable heart. You need to find something else to do with your time and maybe stop by a store that has happiness on sale because you need to buy some."
Mic drops.
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I couldn't have written a more perfect statement myself and I'm SO glad Beyonce's publicist addressed this issue. Anyone with a brain knows that pregnancy can lead to swelling that can cause certain body parts and even facial features to appear noticeably fuller.
New York City Plastic Surgeon Dr. Steven Pearlman, told Aol.com that he has seen many pregnant women's noses swell up and the same can apply for lips. You can even experience melisma (a.k.a the mask of pregnancy), which is when patches of hyperpigmentation develop on the face. The face can even appear rounder. We've seen it with other celebs like Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian and Salma Hayek. It's normal.
So to see a media outlet and a bunch of haters accuse a pregnant woman of getting lip injections because her lips look noticeably fuller is straight up disgusting and embarrasing.
Beyonce hasn't had it easy when it comes to her pregnancy body. The poor girl can't catch a break. Last month, Twitter trolls decided to fat shame her for pregnancy weight. This woman is not only pregnant but she's pregnant with twins. Yet there are some awful and ignorant people out there that think this kind of behavior is okay.
In her previous pregnancy, rumors circled that she was faking her baby bump and actually hired a surrogate to carry Blue Ivy. That's another thing her publicist addressed in the statement. The controversy sparked after a video of her where her stomach appeared to fold during an interview went viral. Fortunately, she addressed the rumors with grace.
"That was crazy. It wasn't hurtful, it was just crazy," she told PEOPLE. "[I thought] Where did they come up with this?" Regarding the so-called fake bump seen in the interview Beyonce said, "It was a fabric that folded. Does fabric not fold? Oh my gosh, so stupid."
Honestly, it's all stupid. The fact that people actually take time to come up and participate in this kind of talk is just sad. But that's what haters do, they hate. They clearly can't handle all the glory that comes from this gorgeous queen.
Embedded content: https://i.giphy.com/l0He6X8SAWSyvV02s.gif
Images via Splash & Beyonce/Instagram