WATCH: Animation shows how our organs shift during pregnancy

Pregnancy is truly remarkable. Creating a life is not easy on a woman's body. The sleepless nights and swollen feet are just part of the job description. A new animation shows just how miraculous it truly is. A group of scientists developed the video, which showcases how our organs make room for a little being in the making. 

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I love the tag line for this exhibit, which is featured in the Museum of Science + Industry in Chicago. It reads:"The baby isn't the only one changing." The physical changes a mom-to-be goes through is truly fascinating. It's not often that we stop to think about all of the changes that are going on internally and that includes mentally and emotionally too. 

What I love most about watching the video is seeing just how compact the organs get to make room for the baby between 29 to 32 weeks. I remember when I reached that stage, I was really wondering how I was going to make it until the end! I wasn't sleeping much, my lower back and feet were killing me and I was beyond exhausted.  

People would advise me to rest, but it was close to impossible to get comfortable. What kept me going was knowing that I was going to meet my son soon.

This animation is crazy, but it shows just how amazing women truly are. Motherhood is a humbling experience and it begins from the moment your baby is in the womb. 

I know I speak for most moms when I say, "We wouldn't have it any other way." 

Image via iStock