Going out to eat with a young child can be stressful. You feel all eyes on you. And even though some are admiring your adorable child, there are the Judgy McJudgertons who are clearly irritated that you brought your offspring. Take a deep breath and plan ahead so that you avoid these common mistakes moms make when taking their kids to restaurants.
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Assuming the place is kid-friendly

Not all places are truly kid-friendly. A place with an atmosphere that is more of a bar might not be where you want to go. There's a good chance they don't have high chairs or an environment that your child will enjoy.
Not considering the time

Just because a restaurant is open 24/7 doesn't mean you shouldn't plan the time you go. Don't go when the place is packed because waits will be longer. Don't go when your child should be napping because then you are asking for a meltdown.
Not checking the menu beforehand

Is there anything on the menu that your child can actually eat? Go to places where you already know the menu is accommodating or look online to see what they serve ahead of time. Also, keep in mind that you can order simple things like a grilled chicken breast at most places even if it's not on the menu.
Not asking for what you need

You're at a place that's kid-friendly, you're there at a good time, the food works, but it doesn't end there. If you need a high chair, ask for it. If your child does better at a table by the window, ask for it. You're not being high maintenance, you're helping to ensure a good time for all.
Forgetting to bring snacks

It might seem strange to bring snacks to a restaurant, but you don't want to keep a hungry child waiting because a hunger-fueled freak out will ensue. Have some cereal or slices of apples your little can snack on until the actual meal arrives.
Leaving behind necessities

Don't forget essentials like the sippy cup that your nene is so good at using. If you do, then accidents are more prone to happen if the restaurant doesn't have a covered water glass that fits comfortably in your child's hands.
Forgetting the entertainment

Some parents go right for the electronics to keep their kids occupied while out, many of us prefer more old school staples like paper and crayons. When your kids get older they won't need these distractions anymore, but it's pretty unreasonable to expect them to sit quietly and do nothing while you get your chisme on with your comadre.
Expecting your child to be perfect

Pleae don't expect your children to be perfect. Their tiny hands will drop things, they will talk louder than an adult would, they may do all sorts of things that children do and in the end it's OK. Part of taking them out to eat is that you are showing them how to behave in those situations. Be patient and let them be kids, well-mannered kids, but kids.
Neglecting potty issues

Bathroom accommodations matter a lot when your children are still in diapers or potty training. It's good to know if a place has a changing table or to know how you will handle it when your potty training toddler needs to go.
Forgetting to have fun

Do not forget to enjoy yourself. These are precious moments that will fly by. Laugh, eat and have fun! You deserve to have fun while someone else cooks for you.