10 Mistakes that you should never make during pregnancy

The things that you can and can't do during pregnancy seem to change constantly. Coffee is bad one day, but not so awful the next. No one can agree on whether you can dye your hair or not, but there is a list of things that all the experts agree you should never, ever do. Learn what they are and avoid them at all costs to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.

Read more ¿Qué más?: 10 Ways to survive a difficult pregnancy

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Take medicine without consulting with your doctor

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The only pain killer allowed for pregnant women is acetaminophen (Tylenol), but it could be dangerous in some cases. Please always check with your doctor before taking anything.

Forget to drink

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During pregnancy, women have the double amount of fluid in their bodies than in normal times. It's imperative to keep hydrated to replenish those fluids, in particular the amniotic fluid.

Worry about the size of your belly


Your belly will be what it will be. Worry instead about your overall weight gain, since the pounds you put on while pregnant can affect your health and your baby's.

Drink alcohol or take drugs

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This is common sense and the warnings about illegal drugs and alcohol during pregnancy are everywhere, but it's so important that I will say it again: Don't drink or do drugs while pregnant. EVER!

Become sedentary

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Even if you are feeling exhausted and big as a whale and they only want to do is lie down, you MUST exercise. Keep moving is essential to your health and reduce pains. The exception is if your doctor tells you against it.

Eat anything raw

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Forget about eating artisanal cheeses or any raw meat, fish or poultry. This includes queso blanco and sushi.

Stress yourself out too much

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Do everything you can to reduce your stress levels during your pregnancy. Remember the baby is a part of you and it's affected by everything you do.

Ignore your intuition

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Don't worry about what your husband or the doctor may think about you if you ask too many questions. Just listen to your body. It's better to be called paranoid than having something wrong and ignoring it.

Be scared of sex

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You can ask your doctor a healthy sex life is not only safe during pregnancy but highly recommended. If it's otherwise your doctor should tell you.

Ignore your doctor appointment

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Remember, only your health practitioner can tell you for sure, if your pregnancy is progressing appropriately. Some problems are asymptomatic.