Naya Rivera is all about embracing her pregnancy body. Let's face it–there aren't many beauty perks when you have a growing baby bump. Yes, the pregnancy glow does exist, but so do swollen feet, acne and stretch marks. Rivera is focusing on the positive points and celebrating her new found pregnancy booty. The 28-year-old posted a revealing photo showcasing her new asset and I have to say, she looks amazing!
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The Latina star shared this photo of her rear with the caption, "#pregnancyperk." She is giving Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Lopez some competition here! I love that she's all about having a few pounds added to her figure. I'm almost just as far along as Rivera and I have to say, I love my growing cup size just as much as my little baby bump! I actually feel like I have another woman's breasts all of a sudden. It's pretty remarkable how your body adapts to grow a little being.
I wonder what Rivera's husband Ryan Dorsey must think about her new figure! Hopefully she keeps the added weight and doesn't feel pressured to bounce back right away. I loved when Zoe Saldana resurfaced with a curvier post-pregnancy body. Now she's back to trying to shed the weight, which is totally her choice, but I wish celebrity moms were more okay with letting it all hang out naturally.
For now, Rivera has been doing just that and I hope she doesn't stop! We'll see what happens after she gives birth this fall.
Images via Splash, Naya Rivera/Instagram