10 Unexpected ways your body changes during pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most amazing blessing a woman could experience in life. I'm currently 17 weeks pregnant and uncovering all of the weird and beautiful physical changes that comes with pregnancy. It's truly amazing how our bodies transform and undergo so many magical stages within 40 weeks. Our bodies are working extra hard to welcome a new life to this world, so we should honor it and even be grateful for the not so great symptoms we have to face too. Here's a detailed overview of amazing ways your body evolves during pregnancy. 

Read more ¿Qué más?: The 7 worst pregnancy symptoms you can experience

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The intense increase in estrogen and progesterone cause a woman's breast to become fuller and more tender. The increase in size is also accompanied by sensitive nipples and slightly darker areolas. By the final trimester, some women may experience leaking of a watery pre-milk substance known as colostrum.



Some pregnant women experience an out of breath feeling. This is because your respiratory rate increases in order to provide more oxygen flow to the fetus. Breathing techniques used in prenatal yoga may help with the symptom.

Urinary system


Frequent urination is a common symptom during pregnancy. Since the uterus is expanding to make room for the baby, it puts added pressure on your bladder and urethra. The kidneys are also working extra hard to clean out your system for you and the baby's health.

Belly button


If you have an innie, your belly button will probably pop out and start looking like an outie during the second or third trimester. If you already have an outie, you'll notice it pop out even more. Since the uterus continues to put pressure on your abdominal wall, it causes the belly button to change shape.

Hair and nails


A great beauty perk while being pregnant is that your hair will look shiner and thicker than ever. The increased estrogen also increasing the growth and amount of hair follicles. Nails also grow stronger and more rapidly. That's a great excuse to get more manicures and pedicures!



Pregnant women may experience a slight growth in foot size as well as swelling. Since there is extra fluid in the system, your feet carry the brunt of the weight, which causes the tissues to expand.

Body temperature


Due to increased blood flow, your sweat glands start to work overtime while pregnant. Many pregnant women feel overly hot during pregnancy. In the summer, it is especially important to take cool showers, go for a swim and wear light clothing.



Believe it or not, your pregnancy hormones are secretly working on stretching your joints and ligaments to get the body prepared for childbirth. The hormone that causes this is known as relaxin. While it does an amazing job at helping you carry and deliver your baby, it also leads to back and side pain.



Pregnancy glow is a real thing! Due to an increase in blood circulation, some women experience rosy cheeks. Pigment changes called melasma gravidarum, known as the "mask of pregnancy," may also create dark patches around the skin. Stretch marks and acne can also form. Arm yourself with DIY remedies for these skin symptoms.



The abdominal wall begins to stretch during the second trimester. This is due to your expanding uterus, which is making room for the growing fetus. Sometimes abdominal muscles separate during pregnancy, which causes diastasis recti. The condition causes a bulge after pregnancy.