In the site Nesting Story, mom blogger Joanna Venditti candidly shares her post-pregnancy weight gain journey and how she discovered a peaceful relationship with her body. The images are profoundly intimate and showcases how most women feel about their curves after pregnancy.
As women, we all struggle with our weight and body image. The same holds true when we're blessed with the journey of pregnancy and motherhood. The pressure women have to "bounce back" and achieve the perfect post-pregnancy body can be emotionally and physically draining. Venditti took her insecurities and turned her before and after pictures into something amazing and powerful on her blog. Find out this mother of four's helpful mantra and how she found peace with her body.
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Image via Nesting Story Joanna Venditti
College days

The mother of four reveals that she reached her goal weight in college, but it was due to dieting and exercising excessively. She desired to have "all eyes on her" when she entered the room.
Wedding day and honeymoon

Before getting married to her husband Mike, Venditti confessed that she worked on dropping 10 pounds before the milestone event. "I wouldn’t say I ever had an eating disorder, but I know that my weight control was coming from a place where I felt I had to punish my body," she writes.
First two pregnancies

During her first two pregnancies, Venditti was able to lose the 50 pounds she gained with each baby. However, she confesses that the strong desire to lose weight wasn't coming from a good place.
Pregnant with twins

Venditti had a freak-out moment when she discovered that she was carrying twins. Eventually, she decided to view her body as a vessel. She reveals that it became her mantra and she was able to let go of her weight anxiety.
During pregnancy with twins

Venditti's husband Mike took these beautiful pregnancy photos while she was pregnant with twins. After giving birth, she admits she was left with swollen ankles, bruises and was still healing from a C-section. "I had this sadness for my body," she writes.
Life after kids

After the emotions settled, Venditti felt proud of her body for giving birth to four precious lives. Her life lesson was a big "ah ha" moment. She explains, "I made the decision to be kind to my body from now on."
Her body post pregnancy

Venditti revealed the truth about her body that many new moms struggle with and can relate to. It takes guts to share a story this personal and I admire that about her. Look at how amazing she looks!

Her most important nuggets of wisdom comes from these words. "Anytime I start doubting my new curves or war wounds, I look around the room and ask myself, how many other people in this room grew two people inside their body at once?" She has a point there!