Passengers got the surprise of their life when a mom-to-be went into labor and gave birth on Southwest Airlines Flight 623. I've seen and heard of some weird things happening on flights but a baby being born on a plane mid-flight is a first for me. Can you imagine going into labor on a flight? Those seats are already so cramped.
Southwest Airlines Flight 623 bound for Phoenix was diverted shortly after taking off from San Francisco on Tuesday when a pregnant passenger went into labor. Before the plane could land in LA, the baby was born with the help of a doctor and nurse who were on board. Talk about lucky!
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Medics met the plane when it landed in Los Angeles.
Shortly after landing, the pilot announced that the flight started with 109 passengers and landed with 110. Many of the passengers weren't even aware that the woman had given birth. Holy wow! Holy big was that plane?
I guess nowadays with everyone wearing headphones on flights or napping, it's not that hard to imagine being completely oblivious to a child being born a couple rows back.
The baby boy and his mother are doing fine and the rest of the passengers caught another flight to Phoenix. Also, since the plane landed in LA his birth certificate will still read California. All is well that ends well, right?
I never flew when I was pregnant but I can see now why it's not recommended for moms-to-be to fly after a certain point in pregnancy. All kinds of unexpected things happen during pregnancy so you just never know.
This could have all gone horribly wrong had there not been a doctor and nurse on board the flight. This is one lucky baby boy who got to make a very dramatic entrance into the world. He definitely has one of the coolest birth stories that I've ever heard.
Image via Zen Skillicorn/Flickr