Major kudos to a daddy that caught his daughter mid-selfie session and recorded it so we could all laugh at how ridiculous a teenager looks taking selfies. It all went down in the car while Rod Beckham was playing chauffeur to his daughter. He caught a glimpse of some kind of shenanigans going on in the back seat via his rear view mirror and when he realized that his daughter was conducting her very own extended selfie photo shoot, he laughed and watched for a bit and then realized he absolutely had to catch this on video because it's FREAKIN' hilarous.
I'm thinking you will get a serious kick out of the video below.
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Now as funny as this video is, I have to wag my finger a tiny bit at Rod Beckham for recording on his cellphone while driving. I don't recommend that anyone do that because it's a safety hazard. Sure it's not texting or talking, but it's still not hands-free so it's not a good idea. Okay now that I'm done being the concerned parent, back to the part of me that finds this video so funny and amusing.
I absolutely love that his daughter has no clue she is being filmed. It's so awesome to see her wrapped up in her own little selfie world, no inhibitions, just having a moment. Also, I love that she was taking so many wacky photos of her face contorted in all kinds of ridiculous expressions. It's a refreshing departure from duck face selfies. I have a teen relative that posts a ton of selfies of herself and they are always of a sexy I-look-fabulous nature. Honestly, I would much rather see a teen celebrating their playful side. So kudos to this young lady for being her fun self.
No word on the aftermath this video may have caused between father and daughter, but I hope the daughter sees the humor in it and isn't too mad at her dad. Now, check out this nonsense:
Image via Corbis Images