Yes, yes, you should listen to the age old advice of napping when your baby naps, you will be a much happier and saner person if you get the rest you need. Everyone is always saying you should do it, so do it. But just in case you are one of the countless moms that does not listen to this wisdom because even though you should do something doesn't mean you will and because kid's nap time means "me" time and heaven knows you don't get enough of that, then know that I understand and I support you. I support you because when my kids were still napping regularly, I knew I was supposed to nap too and I was definitely tired enough to need it, but I also needed some precious awake time to do things for ME!
So if you choose not to nap when your kid does, I totally get it, but please listen to me! Do not waste nap time doing things like housework, paying bills or checking emails. Use that precious time to do truly valuable things. Like the following …
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Here are five things you should do while your kid is napping:
1. Go take a solo poop! Do it, run to the bathroom and poop all by yourself without a screaming child. It's awesome.
2. Take a shower. Go on and take a shower. Trust me you need it.
3. Have sex. If time allows after that shower, get you some sex. I mean you're all nice and clean, the kid is asleep, go be an adult for at least three minutes.
4. Eat a hot meal. A real meal, not your kid's leftovers, not a handful of cereal straight out of the cereal box, but an honest to goodness microwaved hot meal. I say microwaved because you probably don't have time to cook it from scratch, so just cut to the chase.
5. Lay on the sofa and watch bad TV. Stretch out, relax, watch something mindless and before you know it you will be napping, which is what you are supposed to be doing anyway.
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