I was shocked when I learned Zoe Saldana and her new Italian hubby, Marco Perego, were expecting twins. But I wasn't the least bit surprised to hear that she plans on teaching her kids to speak Spanish. The Puerto Rican and Dominican actress, who was recently on the September 2014 cover of Cosmo For Latinas, has always been VERY proud of her roots. Not to mention, she lived in Dominican Republic for seven years so she better raise her kids bilingual!
Read more in ¿Qué más?: 3 Ways to keep Spanish alive when your kids go back to school
"Of course [our children] will speak the languages that we speak; my sisters and I grew up learning French and speaking English and Spanish, and because of that, we're able to understand Italian and Portugese," she told the glossy. "But I'm going to have to make a conscious effort to speak Spanish to my children, because I speak Spanglish."
Zoe has always emphasized the importance of embracing her Latina heritage. "It's one of the biggest factors about me: the fire, the passion, the 'in your face' quality," she said. "I'm not going to say, 'Whatever you want, whatever you say.' I'll say, 'You know what I think? I feel this.' "
There's no doubt in my mind Zoe will raise her kids bilingual and do a magnificent job at it. I'm betting money her twins will speak at least English, Spanish and Italian. That is if she doesn't hire someone to give them French lessons too!
Image via Cosmo For Latinas/Twitter