This video of a 3-year-old Chinese boy stuck in a washing machine is NUTS. I mean I know that kids get stuck in washing machines, I've seen it happen in real life. Once, when I was a kid at the laundromat, a little boy got wedged in a washing machine and his mom was so hysterical that my mom had to come to the rescue and calmly get the kid out.
But what the child in the video below goes through is way worse. This child is so lodged into the machine that the only way to get him out is to cut him out.
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As a parent, I freaked out watching the video because the rescue workers have a full on chainsaw-looking thing that they are using to cut the washing machine open. I have to say that they seem to have done a remarkable job, but son of a gun what if any of the cuts went just a little too far? And then I'm freaking out because I don't see any protective goggles on anyone. Neither the adults doing the rescuing nor the child are wearing anything protective on their eyes. Ayayay! I did see them cover the child's eyes at one point, though.
The little boy is like in a state of shock. He doesn't make a peep in the video. I'm not kidding you that when he is finally released from the clutch of that washing machine, I wish I could reach through the screen, grab him and give him a huge hug. I'm so happy he wasn't hurt. Terrified, I'm sure, but not hurt. Pobrecito!
Note to parents: Watch your littles around washing machines.
Image via Corbis Images*