Alysia Montaño is 28 years old and the woman can run. In fact she's an Olympian known as the "flying flower" because she always wears a lovely flower in her head. She is a five time U.S. national champion and yesterday ran an 800 meter race at Hornet Stadium in Sacramento, California where she came in last, but still got a standing ovation. Why? Because she happens to be 34 weeks pregnant and it's not everyday you see a pregnant woman run an 800 meter race in just 2 minutes, 32.13 seconds. You guys, she's only six weeks away from her due date and she's running races, how crazy is that?
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Look at her! I think it is crazy awesome and quite inspiring. "I've been running throughout my pregnancy and I felt really, really good during the whole process," she said. Of course she was a world class runner before she got pregnant so she was very fit to begin with.
Doctors gave her the okay to run during her pregnancy and to compete in the race yesterday. She hopes that her example helps dispel long-held misconceptions about exercise and pregnancy. "What I found out mostly was that exercising during pregnancy is actually much better for the mom and the baby," she said. "I did all the things I normally do…I just happened to be pregnant. This is my normal this year."
I love that she is setting such a wonderful example for pregnant women. I mean, I'm not saying that all pregnant women should go out and run races, especially if they never did before getting pregnant, but exercise is NOT tabboo during healthy low risk pregnancies.
Let's face it, so many of our abuelas and mamas are telling us that we shouldn't exercise while pregnant because it could hurt the baby, but that's simply not based on facts. Talk to your doctor and find out what exercises are appropriate during your particular pregnancy and stay fit, it will make for an easier delivery and an easier recovery.
Check out Alysia Montaño talk about how she made the decision to keep running while pregnant.
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