If you post pictures of your kids online, you really need to be careful because you have no idea where those pictures will end up or how they will be used. I know you've heard of this kind of stuff happening before, but what happened to Ciara Logan of Virginia and her children is something you really need to know about.
Logan is the proud mother of an 8-year-old boy and twin 2-year-old girls. She regularly posts pictures of her adorable children on social media because, well, they are adorable. Then something awful happened. She found out that some creep stole pictures of her kids from her Instagram feed and put offensive text on them and turned them into a racist meme. I'm telling you, this is going to make your stomach turn.
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The only reason that Logan even found out that pics of her kids had been swiped was because she noticed that a stranger had liked some of her pictures on Instagram, pictures that did not feature her kids. She clicked over to his feed and that's when she saw this awfulness:
The post also contained hashtags that referenced the movie The Color Purple and the missing school girls in Nigeria.
Logan says, "To insinuate that my son is a pimp–or that my son is selling cars–because he has on a suit and he has two little girls with him–or to hashtag, 'keep him away from those girls,' as if to say my son is a predator. He's an 8-year-old boy who is very caring, very loving, very nourishing, very protective of his sisters."
Logan contacted the creep who did this on Instagram and he immediately blocked her, set his account to private and changed his user name. Friggin' coward. And I'm sorry, but the folks at Instagram were no help when she contacted them. All they told her to do was remove all pictures of her children from her account. At that point, NO DUH!
Logan has now set her page to private and when it comes to children's pictures she advises other parents: "Share them with the ones you love via text message. Get a page that is for family only, and private your page."
Images via CBS 6