12-year-old gives birth to baby with 13-year-old boyfriend

Two children who aren't even high school age have become the youngest parents in Britain. On Sunday, a 12-year-old girl gave birth to a baby girl weighing 7 pounds  4 ounces. The father of the baby is 13-years-old. The little girl got pregnant last year when she was only 11 years old. Her parents didn't even know she was pregnant until a month ago when she was already eight months along and their reaction may surprise you.

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No one could tell that the 12-year-old was pregnant. Apparently, she wasn't showing at all, so when it was finally revealed everyone was gobsmacked by the news.

The girl's father who is no longer with the girl's mother, who happens to be 27 years old, by the way, says "You can just be supportive about it. The families on both sides are going to be very supportive about it. It is heartbreaking, but you can't turn back time. You can only go forwards."

I have to say I agree with him. I mean it is what it is, not ideal, but what's done is done and it isn't the baby's fault that those kids had unprotected sex at a ridiculously young age.

Also, there is this whole theory that children who are born to teen parents are more likely to become teen parents themselves, right? Well, being that the grandma in this case is only 27 years old that means that she had this current underage mom at 15-years-old. It's a bit of history repeating itself, only in this case it happened at an even younger age.

The new parents have been dating for a year and are by all accounts madly in love with each other and have every intention of staying together forever and ever. Chances of that are slim and none, but I wish them luck despite the odds. I hope they both get a chance to finish school and set themselves up for success in life. I also wish their little bundle of love much luck. Be patient with your parents little one, they are still kiddos themselves.

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