My jaw hit the ground after reading a list of 9 "rules"on how to deal with bullying that was sent home with fifth grade students from Zeman Elementary School in Lincoln, Nebraska. The "rules" are so absurdly inappropriate they have sparked outrage among parents and gone viral, much to the chagrin of the school I'm sure.
What makes the "rules" so awful is that they read more like a how to be the perfect victim and enable bullies to get away with their abuse tip list than anything else. I have a feeling you are going to be as shocked by them as I was. Hold on to your jaw because it is about to hit the floor.
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Do you see this nonsense? Just a few deplorable lowlights from above:
- Rule #2: Treat the person who is being mean as if they are trying to help you.
- Rule #6: If someone physically hurts you, just show you are hurt: do not get angry.
- Rule #7: Do not tell on bullies.
Honestly, these are so bad that I'm surprised one of the rules wasn't, if someone tries to punch you, make sure you let them because it would be rude to move away.
The school has since offered an apology and offered a link to a more appropriate fact sheet about bullying, but for crying out loud how did that fist sheet ever make it into the hands of any students?
As I read it, I kept thinking that it read like a training manual of how to stay in an abusive relationship.
Images via Thinkstock, Jezebel/Facebook