When it comes to packing kids' lunches, most parents stick to easy, no-frills meals. But father Beau Coffron decided to forgo the classic PB&J and go for something much more creative. As can be seen in his blog Lunchbox Dad, Coffron draws inspiration from animated films and beloved children's books to turn ordinary lunches into works of art. And the results are so amazingly adorable, you just gotta see them!
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As can be seen in the photos below, Coffron uses ordinary lunch items to bring certain characters to life. In one lunch, he uses bananas to recreate the minions from Despicable Me 2. In another, he uses dried mango to recreate Nemo! But my absolute favorite? He recreated Frozen's Elsa character with a sandwich. He even makes a food braid and everything! Pretty impressive, right?! I mean, I can barely take the time in the morning to throw together a sandwich for myself.
So where does Coffron get his ideas? "I get most of my inspiration from my kids," he told ABC News. "This project has really helped me to pay more attention to watch they are watching, listening to, and reading." And since he says his kids' interests are always changing, he never runs out of new characters or books to recreate!
How awesome is this dad? His children are lucky to have someone so fun and creative around! Plus, it probably makes cracking open their lunchbox every day an adventure! Check out some of Coffron's lunches below:
Finding Nemo

In this lunch, Coffron used dried mango to create Nemo and broccoli and snap peas to create the sea turtle.
Kermit the Frog

Doesn't this amazing Kermit replica just put every lunch you've ever made to shame?!
Wreck it Ralph

This Ralph sandwich looks delicious!
Despicable Me 2

Cut bananas make the perfect minions!

Look at the detail in this lunch! It's almost a shame to eat it!
What does the fox say?

Coffron manages to make the most overplayed song ever look fun again!
Willy Wonka

Coffron recreated the Willy Wonka bars right down to the golden ticket!