In early February, 28-year-old Shayne Lamas, who was 20 weeks pregnant with her second child at the time, was hospitalized. It was widely assumed that the daughter of Lorenzo Lamas and season 12 The Bachelor contestant suffered a miscarriage, but that's not what happened at all. Lamas is married to 35-year-old Nik Richie, founder of TheDirty.com and his words in a recent interview reveal what really happened. What he said will leave you literally speechless.
Read more ¿Qué más?: Shayne Lamas & husband Nik Richie had to name their baby after he died
"It wasn't a miscarriage," Richie explained. "It was them having to kill our child to save my wife." What Lamas and Richie have been through is devastating and almost ended with Lamas losing not just her baby, but her own life as well.
It turns out that the couple's deceased son, who they have since named Rex Jagger, was growing halfway outside of her uterus and was attached to both her womb and bladder. Doctors said that the baby was killing Lamas.
"Out of nowhere, I had cramps like I'd never felt before, coming from all sides of my stomach–worse than labor," She told In Touch. This happened on February 9. She passed out and when she woke up, she found out her baby was gone and she had been given a hysterectomy.
"She died on the table and they brought her back," Richie said. Wow. I can't imagine what that must have been like for him. To have to say goodbye to his son and also watch his wife almost die. Actually, she did die and they revived her.
Shayne is now recuperating in her Orange County, California home. She says she is haunted by thoughts of her baby and it is particularly difficult when she gives the couple's daughter, Press, a bath because it brings to mind that there should be another child in the tub as well.
Shayne was able to keep her ovaries despite the hysterectomy and is determined to grow her family. "I'll be able to give my eggs to a surrogate. I absolutely will have more kids," she affirmed.
My condolences to her and her family. Much love and compassion being sent their way.
Image via ShayneLamas/Instagram