When a child makes up their mind about wanting something, it's almost impossible to get them to let it go. And when it comes to wanting a pet, well, most kids will go to any lengths to convince their parents to get one. Take for example, two Canadian sisters who were so desperate for a dog that they recruited all of Facebook to help them sway their mom and dad to their side!
And did they succeed…?
Apparently, the family had previously lost a dog to cancer and the kids, particularly the two older sisters, were really missing having a puppy. Though their parents weren't too keen on the idea, the dad eventually came up with a bet that he thought would appease his daughters for a good long while: If the two girls could get a million "likes" on a Facebook page he set up, the family would get a new dog.
So, all five siblings posed for a picture while holding a sign that explained their dad's plan and asked viewers to help them reach their goal. After posting it on their page "Two Girls and a Puppy," all they had to do was sit and wait … but luckily, not for very long! Flash forward seven hours later and the picture had already gone viral, with thousands of "likes" and comments flooding in constantly. By the morning after, the girls had already surpassed their 1 millionth "like."
Read more ¿Qué más?: Kids win adorable rescue cat after their Facebook photo goes viral!
Now, with the photo still gaining views (it now has well over 2.5 million likes), the parents are keeping their word. According to an update posted to the page, the whole family is planning to visit shelters and find their new dog very soon.
Aww, what a cute story! It's pretty crazy to see how quickly the whole idea snowballed. It was obviously much faster than the dad bargained for–which just goes to show you should never underestimate the power of the Internet. Either way, I'm so glad that those kids are getting the puppy they've been asking for (they must be thrilled!) and hope that they enjoy the new addition to their family.
Embedded content: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8e10OL0hTds&feature=player_embedded
Image via Facebook