Barbie has been making some positive changes and additions into its brand in recent years, and it's been so refreshing. Mattel has released "Drag Queen" Barbies and dolls of all shapes and sizes to the market. The Vatican also urged in their journal that Mattel distribute their "Bald Barbie" to the general public since it was originally only available to children going through chemotherapy in hospitals.
It's been great to see the popular doll sending a positive message to little girls about how diverse and powerful women really are. It also teaches all other kids to accept those who are different from them and that beauty comes in all forms.
More from MamásLatinas: Latina Olympian Laurie Hernandez gets a Barbie made after her and we're so proud
The "Bald and Beautiful Barbie" was made thanks to cancer patient Jane Bingham of Mantua N.J, who created a Facebook page advocating the creation of a bald Barbie that went viral. Her message was heard loud and clear, as Mattel now makes the doll, but made it available exclusively to hospitals.
The brand has been making a huge push to create dolls that are more impactful and they've added a line of dolls that represent women who are great role models who've knocked down barriers for women all over the world. Olympian Laurie Hernandez has her very own doll now and that type of representation, especially for Latina girls who don't often see themselves in a positive light in pop culture, is super important. Check out these other awesome Barbies we love!
Olympic gold gymnast Laurie Hernandez got her own Barbie!

Barbie announced in August 2018 that it was releasing the doll as part of the Shero line.
Presidential Barbie is so important in this day and age.

The "I can be president" Barbie inspires girls all over that they too can be in the Oval Office. What an awesome message for our girls!
The Hunger Games Barbie reminds us to never give up.

Hunger Games fans will channel their inner warrior with this Katniss doll! Amazing!
Curvy Barbie was a major step in becoming more inclusive.

How wonderful was it to see a Barbie that looked more like your everyday woman?
Olympian Barbie is a reminder to reach for the gold!

In honor of the 2012 Summer Olympics, Barbie dressed up as a gymnast and donned a cool gold medal–of course!
Wonder Woman Barbie is the hero we all need.

Wonder Woman Barbie will help you get in touch with your inner superhero–and she's inspired by our very own superhero, Latina Lynda Carter!
Every young Latina girl deserves a Frida Kahlo Barbie.

Barbie released a Frida Kahlo doll on International Women's Day 2018 as part of their "More Role Models" initiative.
Katherine Johnson took us to space and now she has her own Barbie.

"Mathematician Katherine Johnson has always been ahead of her time," the Instagram caption read. "Before she broke barriers in the space industry, she enrolled in high school at just 10 years old! #MoreRoleModels #YouCanBeAnything."
Tall Barbie shows girls that we're not all the same.

Women come in all shapes, sizes and heights and it's important for little girls to know so.
Petite Barbie was inspired by small, yet fierce, women!

Short girls need love too!
Bald Barbie was specially created for a fan.

The Bald and Beautiful Barbie was made thanks to cancer patient Jane Bingham of Mantua N.J, who created a Facebook page asking for a bald Barbie.
Drag Queen Barbie caused some controversy but it represents a lot for so many.

This fierce and controversial Barbie is super progressive.
Barbie created a doll after the iconic Rosie the Riveter.

They introduced the beautiful and iconic doll in January 2018. "Rosie the Riveter will always be an icon of women’s empowerment and an inspiration for girls everywhere. ," the company shared via Instagram.
Barbie was inspired by the fearless Amelia Earhart.

They dedicated a doll to American pioneer Amelia Earhart as part of the "More Role Models" campaign.
Paso Doble Barbie is the brand's attempt to reach various cultures.

Dancing with the Stars fans will love this Paso Doble Barbie. Now if only she could do the real dance, too!