If there's one thing Latinas definitely know how to do, it's how to throw a great party. We're experts at bringing laughter, dancing and fun into even the most traditional celebrations, like baby showers! So what can you do to make sure you throw the perfect baby shower, whether for a friend, a loved one, or yourself? All you need is the following must-have items to ensure your Latina baby shower goes off without a hitch:
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1. Baby Shower Wicker Chair. Spanish tradition says every soon to be mami needs her own throne! After all, she is the queen of the celebration! To get one, you can either decorate a chair yourself by adding ribbons and streamers or rent one. They come in blue and white for moms expecting a little boy or a more girly pink and white!
2. Mommy-to-be hat or tiara. It's only appropriate that if a mom has a throne, she also has a crown, right? For the diva mamás Latinas, try making or buying a crown with her name and the title "Mommy-to-Be." And the soon-to-be abuelas can get in on the fun too with a "Grandma-to-Be" tiara.
3. Lots of ribbons! – Ribbon bows are the perfect recuerdos for your guests to take home. You can get them in the traditional pink or blue or in a variety of other colors and have them printed with the date of your baby shower. Of course, they should also be used to adorn the reina of the party and her crown–adorable! They can also be made at-home or ordered online.
4. Azabache baby bracelet. Mom isn't the only one who gets spoiled at the shower–baby does too! In many Latin American countries, it's traditional to buy babies an azabache (a gold bracelet or necklace with a black or red coral charm in the form of a fist). The bracelets are thought to protect newborns from the evil eye.
5. Motherhood book. A great gift to give an expecting Latina is a book on motherhood that applies specifically to our culture. Try an informative one like, "Esperando a mi bebe: Una guía del embarazo para la mujer latina," or a more heartfelt one, like "Mamá*:* Latina Daughters Celebrate Their Mothers."
What other items do you think baby showers should have?
Images via whoaitsaimz/flickr, Amazon, Baby Shower Stuff, Joyerias Pepe