All about Hannah Kobayashi, the woman from Hawaii who vanished in Los Angeles

On November 8, 30-year-old Hannah Kobayashi of Maui, took a flight from Hawaii to the LAX airport on what was supposed to be the first leg of her journey to New York City. But after she got to Los Angeles, she never made it onto her connecting flight to John F. Kennedy International Airport in NYC. Up until November 11, Hannah was texting family members. Then on November 11 all communication stopped.

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Worried about her safety, her father, Ryan Kobayashi went to Los Angeles to search for her. After 13 days of looking for Hannah in LA, Ryan was found dead in a parking lot. The Los Angeles Police Department reports his death as an apparent suicide. Of course, the family is devasted by Ryan’s death, but they don’t want the public to forget that they are still desperately looking for Hannah.

Here’s what we can tell you about Hannah Kobayashi. Hopefully, spreading the word about her disappearance will lead to finding her.

Let’s start with what she looks like.

She is 5 feet 10 inches and weighs about 140 pounds. Her hair is brown, she has hazel eyes, freckles sprinkled across her face, and has a knife tattoo on her forearm. Her age is reported to be 30 or 31, depending on the source.

Her trip didn't go as planned.

Hannah and her ex-boyfriend booked the trip together before they broke up. Since they couldn’t get a refund, they decided to keep the itinerary, but change their seats and travel separately.

Hannah’s ex-boyfriend did make the connecting flight to New York on November 8. Hannah did not make the flight and it isn’t clear why. Hannah’s family said that the ex-boyfriend, who hasn’t been named, has been “extremely responsive and cooperative with the investigation.”

On November 9, Hannah went to a bookstore in LA.

She sent a picture of a book to a family member that day. Later, the family was able to use the data from the photo to determine that it had been taken at a bookstore near The Grove, a shopping mall in LA.

On November 10, she was seen at a pop-up event.

Hannah posted a black and white photo from the LeBron XXII Trial Experience event at The Grove Nike store and she was also caught on a video of the event posted by someone else.

Hannah can very briefly be seen at the 31 second mark of a video shared featuring the Nike pop-up event putting her in The Grove area. “We think she was staying around The Grove,” Larie Pidgeon, her aunt, said. “It’s a pretty touristy area with a lot of shops, bookstores, and museums, so we think she was just in that area sightseeing and felt safe.”

Things got weird on November 11.

According to Hannah’s aunts, they started getting “alarming” texts from her saying that she had her identity and money stolen. The way the texts were phrased was also off.

“She was using words like ‘hun’ and ‘babe’ and saying ‘someone’s trying to steal my funds,’” Larie said. “She doesn’t talk like that. It was just out of character and the family sounded the alarm.”

When family members tried to get in touch with her, she didn’t respond. The last time her phone was on was at LAX on November 11 at 4 p.m. It’s been off ever since then. Her family reported her missing to authorities in LA on November 12.

On November 15, the LAPD missing persons unit issued a poster.

Why the gap from her being reported missing until the missing person poster being issued?

“Hannah is a 30-year-old and woman, and unfortunately if you’re not disabled, a minor, or an elderly person with dementia, they don’t take your case seriously because they think you voluntarily go off on your own,” Larie said. “LAPD didn’t really take the case seriously until a week after she went missing.”

Hannah’s father went to LA to look for her.

Ryan Kobayashi, Hannah’s father, went to Los Angeles on November 12 hoping to find his daughter.  His body was found on November 24 in a parking lot near LAX. He was 58 years old. Police say he died of an apparent suicide and the Los Angeles County medical examiner attributes the death to blunt force trauma injuries.

The family is devastated by Ryan’s death.

“After tirelessly searching throughout Los Angeles for 13 days, Hannah’s father, Ryan Kobayashi, tragically took his own life. This loss has compounded the family’s suffering immeasurably,” the family said in a statement released via a nonprofit that is helping with the search.

Larie believes her brother suffered a breakdown.

“He broke. He died of a broken heart,” Larie told the New York Post. “Imagine searching Skid Row, picturing your daughter being trafficked, and not getting any sleep. He just couldn’t take it anymore.”

“The search is still on for Hannah,” Hannah’s aunt, Larie, told the Los Angeles Times. “I know everyone’s focused on Ryan’s death, but he would’ve wanted us to continue searching for his daughter. We’re still here despite everything, and we need the public’s help now more than ever.”

If you have any information, please contact LAPD.

According to Larie, Hannah is still believed to be in LA and the police have received a “bunch of really good leads. Keep an eye out for her, especially if you are in the LA area. If you have any information about Hannah Kobayashi, contact LAPD at (877) 527-3247.